What did Piaget state about his theory of cognitive development?
That all children go through the samestages in the same order, but not at the samerate. He states that these stages are universal and follow the same, unchangingorder.
what is the main characteristic of the sensorimotor stage?
what age is the sensorimotor stage
birth - 2 years
what is the age of the pre operational stage
2 - 7 years
what is the main characteristic of the pre operational stage
symbolic thought
what is the age of the concrete operational stage
7-11 years
what is the main characteristic of the concrete operational stage
logical thought
what is the age of the formal operational stage
what is the main characteristic of the formal operational stage
scientific reasoning
what is the study for the sensorimotor stage?
visualcliffexperiment - Gibson and Walk
what was the aim of the visual cliff experiment?
to investigate the ability of newbornanimals and humans to detectdepth, by crawling over an apparentcliff.
what were the findings of the visual cliff experiment?
even when encouraged by mothers,92% of babiesrefused to cross the cliff, even if they patted the glass first. No animals crossed to the deep side. When the deep side was lowered, they froze into a defensiveposition.
what was the conclusion of the visual cliff experiment?
depth perception is an innate process
A positive of the visual cliff experiment?
Rigorously controlled lab test : this offers a reliable and safe measure of depth perception. it ensures a valid test
a negative of the visual cliff experiment?
ethical issues. looking at the drop may have cause the babies to become distressed, as they didn’t know that the glass was there to save them.
at what age does object permanence develop?
8 months old
What is the study for the pre operational stage?
The policeman-doll study - Hughes
what was the aim of the policeman-doll study?
to analyse egocentricthinking in children
what did Hughes believe about Piaget’s 3 mountain task?
that it was too difficult for children to understand, and that children are less egocentric than Piaget initially concluded.
what was the conclusion of the policeman-doll study?
children aged 4+ don’t demonstrate as much egocentrism as initially thought by Piaget. this shows that Piaget’s test was reductive.
positive of the policeman-doll study
it is more reminiscent of a situation a child might find themselves in in real life. therefore, the results are more valid than those from Piaget’s experiment.
negative of the policeman-doll study
only used British boys. the findings cannot be generalised to the wider population, negatively impacting the validity of the results.
what are the 4 main characteristics of the pre operational stage?
egocentric, childcannotconserve, childcannot use operations, animism
what happens by age 2 in the pre-operational stage?
a child makes progress towards detaching their thoughts from the physical world, but thinking is still intuitive and egocentric.
What is the study for the concrete operational stage?
3 mountains task - Piaget and Inhelder
what is the aim of the 3 mountains task
to investigate the age at which children begin to take the perspective of others
what was the conclusion of the 3 mountains task?
children under age 7 have difficulty taking the perspective of another
what is the positive of the 3 mountains task?
it collects both qualitative and quantitative data, allowing for an in-depthunderstanding
negative of the 3 mountains task
no real-life application. the task was too hard for the children and doesn’t relate to their everyday scenarios.
What is the study for the formal operational stage?
The pendulum task - Piaget and Inhelder
what was the conclusion of the pendulum task?
The systemicapproach showed that children were thinking logically in the abstract, and that they could see the relationship between things
what are the characteristics of the formal operational stage?
Abstractthinking, hypothetical reasoning, logical reasoning, and problem-solving.