
Cards (18)

  • Treating the sick:
    • Barber surgeons
    • Wise men/ women
    • Monasteries
  • Wine and honey were used to reduce the chance of infection
  • What did John bradmore do?
    Invented a tool that removed an arrow head, key factor = war
  • What did Hugh and theodoric of lucca do?
    • Used wine and honey to reduce chances of infection
    • Ideas about infection clashed with hippocrates beliefs
    • Developed new methods of how to remove arrows
  • Did christianity hinder medicine?
    • Christians believed sickness was sent by god to punish people for sinning. They prayed away sickness
    • They supported galen, for exampe when roger bacon said docters should do there own research, he was put in prison
  • Did christianity help medicine?
    • The church preserved knowleged handed from greeks and romans
    • Monks in monasteries copied out ancient books, including medical records
  • What did Rhazes do?

    Discovered the difference between measles and small pox (Disease and infection)
  • Whar did ibn nafis do?
    Said galen was wrong about the heart, claimed blood circulated via the lungs (anatomy)
  • What did ibn sina do?
    Wrote a medical encyclopaedia (The canon) and it was used to teach physicans, he was significant because he was know was "galen of islam"
  • Medical treatments:
    • To become a docter, you had to train at universities
    • Astrology, a docter would base your medication on the position of planets (continuity of the supernatural)
    • 4 humours, docters used blood letting to balance the 4 humours
    • Women couldnt go to university but were allowed to become midwifes
    • Urine was used for diagnosis, on a colour chart
  • What did roger frugardi do?
    • Wrote a book on surgey, in 1180, which was used throughout europe
    • Had ambitious operations such as removal of bladder stones
  • When was the black death?
  • Beliefs about the black death:
    • Spread by religion - flagellants whipped themselves as a punishment
    • Miasma
    • Position of planets
    • Inbalance of 4 humours
  • Treatments for the black death:
    • Herbal medicines
    • Sleeping on both sides equally
  • During the medieval period there was a regression in public health
  • Public health:
    • Filth covered the streets, so much that priests couldnt get to church
    • Tanners cleaned in rivers
    • Rivers filled with tanic acid, lume, blood, fat, dead animals, fish
  • When was the sanitation act?
  • What was the sanitation act?
    Banned pollution in rivers