comprises of forces and relations of production which people insert themselves to produce the necessities of life
culture, institutions, political power, structures, roles, rituals and state
ideological state apparatus
social institutions serving to transmit values of the state
marxist view of family
families act and are created to support and reinforce capitalism
nuclear family is concerned with socialcontrol by teaching members to submit to the capitalist class
4 functions of the family
inheritance of wealth
cushioning effect
unit of consumption
inheritance of wealth - engels
monogamous isolated nuclear family ensures child is biologically the fathers = wealth stays in family instead of spread to wider community
engels saw this as ' world historicaldefeat of the femalesex ' as it brought her under control of men and turned her into a ' mereinstrument for production of children '
cushioning effect - zaretsky
family acts as cushion to soften anger of working class exploitation preventing a revolution
family allows man to feel in control and powerful at home
? romanticised from view of man
unit of consumption - zaretsky
harness pester power of children
families targeted by advertisers
workers paid less than amount charged for products they created
socialisation - althusser
family acts to socialise children into capitalist system and accepting capitalist exploitation
next generation accept ruling class ideology as normal
maintains falseclass consciousness
other functions of the family - marxism
reproduces next generation of workers for free
women are reserve army of labour e.g., WW1
evaluation of marxist views of family - pros
explains dark side of the family
acknowledges negatives of nuclear famil
evaluation of marxist view of family - cons
ignores family diversity
ignores positive effects of family
no link between emergence of nuclearfamily and capitalism