feminist perspective on family

Cards (32)

  • triple shift
    domestic labour, paid work and emotional work
  • duel burdern
    domestic and paid work
  • patriarchy
    the way men dominate women in most areas of society
  • malestream sociology
    studies and theories are all from perspective of a man
  • feminist view of family
    family acts as institution which oppresses women
    nuclear family serves the interests of men over women
  • liberal feminism view on family
    family is becoming more equal via changes in law and social attitudes
    e.g., parents socialising children in more gender neutral ways
  • evaluation of liberal feminist view of family

    overstates amount of change made
    fails to challenge underlying causes
  • marxist feminist view on family

    capitalism oppresses women in family more than men
    1. women reproduce workforce and socialise them into social hierarchy
    2. women absorb anger of women from oppression ( ANSLEY = women are takers of shit )
    3. women = cheap army reserve of labour that can be used / let go accordingly
  • radical feminist view of family
    men are the enemy and marriage/family are key in the existence of patriarchy
    family should be abolished and system of separatism instituted.
    political lesbianism as heterosexual relationships are oppressive
    Greer - matrifocal households
  • evaluation of radical feminist view of family
    somerville - fail to see improvements made to women's experience of family life
    somerville - separatism is unobtainable due to heterosexual attraction
  • 2 overarching feminist ideas and roles of the family

    socialises girls to accept subservient roles in family whilst socialising boys into believing they are superior
    socialises girls to view housewife role as only possible and acceptable role for women
    family is breeding ground for patriarchal values
  • causes of relationship inequality - liberal feminists

    mainstream working culture
    men refusing to pull their weight in relationships
  • solutions of relationship inequality - lib fem
    reform measures in existing system removing all discrimination allowing for equality of opportunity for women and men, allowing them to make free choices between motherhood, careers or both
  • SOMERVILLE - lib fem

    many feminists fail to acknowledge progress made such as increased choice, rise in dual earner families, modern men more voluntarily committed to sharing routine necessities of family life
    doesnt see living without a man as the answer due to high rates of remarriages
    feminists should focus on policies encouraging equality
    true equality = increased equality in paid work
  • reform measures to create equality of opportunity for women and men - liberal fem

    changing socialisation and parenting practices = avoid gender stereotyping
    establishing and asserting legal rights of women as individuals
    establishment of equality in maternity and paternity leave = parenting seen as responsibility of both parents
    better and cheaper childcare = men and women combine childcare with successful careers
    more sharing of household and childcare tasks with men
    stronger action against domestic violence
  • evaluation of liberal fem approach to family

    doesnt tackle fundamental inequalities that women face as a result of patriarchy and capitalism
  • social reproduction of labour power by family (3) - marx fem

    provides place for eating, drinking and relaxing, helping to ensure members of workforce are able to go to work with ability to work renewed
    producing and maintaining labour which is free to capitalists through unpaid domestic work of women via rearing children and looking after male partners
    socialising children into dominant ideology and preparing them for the necessity and routines of work, laying groundwork for submission to bosses
  • family as a means of social control of the working class

    expectations of good parents providing material comforts for child helps keep people in their jobs
    harder for workers to strike for higher wages if they have a family to support as it may mean cuts to standard of living for their family
    weakens worker's bargaining power at work and discourages them from taking action at work
  • family as a safety valve - DELPHY AND LEONARD (marx fem)

    family provides release from frustration and lack of power / control at work
    delphy and leonard argue this is provided by women via emotional work aspect of triple shift
    helps prevent frustration at work from causing action against system and contributes to stabilisation of capitalist system
  • marx fem - ANSLEY
    women absorb anger otherwise aimed at capitalism
    extreme cases = domestic violence
  • marx fem - PENNY RED
    the way women's labour is used and abused sustains patriarchy and capitalism
    majority of work is being done by women for free
  • marx fem solutions to inequality
    tackling capitalism
    soft solutions - paying women for childcare and housework
    hard solutions - abolishment of capitalism
  • evaluation of marx feminism approach to family

    correlation between women's liberation and the development of capitalism suggests opposite of their argument
    women's oppression was evident long before capitalism
  • radical fem overall view on family
    all relationships between men and women are based on patriarchy
    paid work has resulted in dual burden / triple shift with men benefitting from women's unpaid domestic work and their paid work
    dark side of family - 1 in 4 women experience DV in their life
  • GREER - rad feminist
    many relationships between men and women in all spheres of life in contemporary society remain highly patriarchal and exploitative
  • rad feminist solutions to inequality in families
    abolition of traditional patriarchal family nuclear family
    political lesbianism + political celibacy to avoid sleeping with the enemy
  • evaluation of radical feminists
    less relevant - women less likely to suffer dual burden
    neglects common experiences shared by women in families
    assumes women are passive victims in the family and have no choices
    around 2/3rd divorces are initiated by women
  • HAKIM - evaluation of marx and radical feminism
    womens inequality in the family may be the result of womens personal choices and preferences, and that most men and women have different career aspiration, life goals and priorities.
    some women may choose to become full time housewives and mothers etc
  • difference / intersectional feminist view on family
    impossible to generalise women's experiences in the family due to different social factors influencing oppression scales
  • NICHOLSON - difference / intersectional feminist

    argues there is powerful ideology supporting traditional family types and devaluing others
    alternate family types are better for women than traditional ones
    all family types are acceptable as they suit different women in different circumstances
  • CALHOUN and lesbian families - difference / intersectional feminism
    modern families are characterised by choice
    lesbian / gay families are chosen families and these are just as much family relationships as heterosexual relationships
  • evaluation of intersectional / difference feminism
    loses sight of inequalities between men and women and focuses more on differences between women