Psychological Treatments S

    Cards (10)

    • ABC (DE) Model - Ellis
      Therapists role is to identify and challenge irrational beliefs by logically disputing (D) the reality of faulty cognitions, then cognitively reconstructuring those beliefs intoalternatives (E)
    • Reality Testing
      Process in which patient can demonstrate that their irrational thoughts are not real e.g. if they claim to see the future, test this
    • Family Therapy
      Attempts to improve the home situation of the person with schizophrenia, as family dysfunction can increase the risk of relapse of schizophrenia
      • Intends to change the whole families behaviour, by educating symptoms (psychoeducation), developing techniques to reduce conflict, stress and self-sacrifice
    • Token Economies
      Designed to make behaviour more manageable within a hospital or community, based on Skinner's operant conditioning, using tokens as positive reinforcement
      • Promotes behaviour shaping, from small change to large
    • (+) A03: Sensky (2000)

      Found patients who had resisted drug treatments had a reduction in positive and negative symptoms when treated with 19 CBT sessions, they continued to improve even 9 months after treatment ended
    • (-) A03: Economic Implications

      More costly than drug therapy as it requires a specialist; high drop out rates due to being long term treatment, which can cost even more due to having to start over again; symptoms can effect the treatment
    • (+) A03: Leff (1985)

      Reviewed aftercare patiens with schizophrenia
      • 50% had relapsed within 9 months, rising to 75% at 2 years
      • 8% had relapsed within 9 months with family therapy, rising to 50% at 2 years
    • (-) A03: Family Dysfunction not a Cure
      Focus on reducing the symptoms, avoiding triggers and improving home life rather than actually finding a cure for schizophrenia
    • (+) A03: Dickerson (2005)

      Found when reviewing TES of 13 studies, they can effectively improve the adaptive behaviour of people with schizophrenia
    • (-) A03: TES Ethics
      Dont actually cure the patient of schizophrenia, but instead make behaviour manageable, this could be degrading to the patient, manipulating them like lab rats using Skinnerian principles, creating ethical issues