Suggests that the development of schizophrenia is due to combined effects of interaction between biological and social/psychological factors and treatment is most effective when combined
Diathesis Stress Model
Psychological concept that a disorder is due to the predispositional vulnerability and an environmental trigger later in life
Stress - family dysfunction, anxiety, major adverse life event
Interactionist Approach to Treatment
Combining CBT and drug therapies to address both causes, reducing symptoms and giving cognitive skills to change their underlying faulty cognitions
(+) A03: Gottesman (1991)
Concordance rates of schizophrenia
MZ = 48%
DZ = 17%
Suggesting biological root but not 100% so must be environmental also
(-) A03: Reduced Confidence
An explanation for the mechanism of environmental triggers reacting with genetics is still underdeveloped, reducing the confidence of the interactionist approach being an explanation
(-) A03: Treatment Limitations
Time consuming, Ecnomic Implications, Side Effects
(+) A03: Tarrier (1998)
Placed patients in random routine care (antipsychotics), CBT or combined treatment