Interactionist Approach

Cards (8)

  • Interactionist Approach
    Suggests that the development of schizophrenia is due to combined effects of interaction between biological and social/psychological factors and treatment is most effective when combined
  • Diathesis Stress Model
    Psychological concept that a disorder is due to the predispositional vulnerability and an environmental trigger later in life
    • Diathesis - genetic vulnerability, dopamine imbalance
    • Stress - family dysfunction, anxiety, major adverse life event
  • Interactionist Approach to Treatment
    Combining CBT and drug therapies to address both causes, reducing symptoms and giving cognitive skills to change their underlying faulty cognitions
  • (+) A03: Gottesman (1991)

    Concordance rates of schizophrenia
    • MZ = 48%
    • DZ = 17%
    Suggesting biological root but not 100% so must be environmental also
  • (-) A03: Reduced Confidence
    An explanation for the mechanism of environmental triggers reacting with genetics is still underdeveloped, reducing the confidence of the interactionist approach being an explanation
  • (-) A03: Treatment Limitations
    Time consuming, Ecnomic Implications, Side Effects
  • (+) A03: Tarrier (1998)

    Placed patients in random routine care (antipsychotics), CBT or combined treatment
    • Combined treatment significantly improved positive symptoms
    Better when combined, supporting idea of interactionist approach
  • (+/-) A03: Tienari (2004)

    Studied biological children of schizophrenic mothers who had been adopted
    • 5.8% of children adopted into healthy families developed
    • 36.8% of children raised by dysfunctional families developed
    Supports genetic idea of Schizophrenia through interactionist approach