is the nuclear family universal

Cards (7)

  • murdock (functionalist)

    studied 250 societies and argued basic family unit across the world is the nuclear family
  • is the nuclear family universal - the Nayar
    women in tribe can have sexual relationships with up to 12 men
    biological father remains uncertain
    mother's brother responsible for mother and child
    no link between cohabitation / marriage and biological parents rearing child
  • is the nuclear family universal - Communes
    west europe, britain + usa in 1960's
    often collective living rather than individual family units
    children seen as responsibility of group rather than only biological parents
  • is the nuclear family universal - Kibbutz
    community aims to meet all needs of child
    children move through different households until adulthood
    child rearing kept separate from marriage
    child kept away from biological parents and raised by metapelets
    child only sees biological parents for a small time each day
  • is the nuclear family universal - lone parent families
    traditionally women headed
    number increasing year by year
    2023 = 3.2 million lone parent, 85% women headed
    1999 = 2.5 million
  • is the nuclear family universal - gay and lesbian families
    increase in gay couple adopting / surrogacy pregnancies
    1 in 4 children adopted by LGBTQ families
    2004 civil partnership act giving gay / lesbian couples same rights as married heterosexual couples
  • is the nuclear family universal - foster care and children's homes

    children looked after by local authorities and brought up by foster parents
    parents and child may not have lifelong relationship