UK cities

Subdecks (1)

Cards (39)

  • Major cities in the UK
    • Located along rivers for transport links and water supply
    • Located near but not on highland areas as it's difficult to build on highland
  • Major cities in the UK first underwent the industrial revolution
  • Major cities in the UK
    • Well connected to the rest of the UK through roads like the M1
    • Often found coastal or with canals linking to other cities
  • Each country in the UK has a capital city
  • Choropleth map

    Shows population density, with lightest colour being lowest density and darkest being highest
  • High population density areas

    Have strong economic forces and job opportunities
  • High population density areas
    Have good transport links, e.g. airports, ports
  • Positive multiplier effect
    Industry sets up in an area, providing more jobs, which attracts more people, who spend more money, creating more industry and jobs
  • Lower population density areas
    Are more remote, have more difficult relief like mountains, or are national parks
  • More elderly people are choosing to live in rural areas, a process called counter-urbanization
  • The south of the UK is more densely populated due to more flat land, more businesses and job opportunities
  • It is a struggle to get companies to invest in the north of the UK
  • Migrants often move to big cities for better job opportunities and existing migrant communities
  • People are moving from London to rural areas in a process of counter-urbanization, but still want quick access back to London