Cards (7)

  • Who is often regarded as the founder of sociology and the positivist movement?
    Auguste Comte (1798-1857) is often regarded as the founder of sociology and the positivist movement.
  • What is positivism?
    Positivism emphasizes the application of the scientific method to the study of social phenomena, seeking knowledge based on empirical evidence and verifiable facts.
  • What motto did Comte advocate for, and what does it emphasize?
    Comte advocated for the motto "Ordre et Progrès" (Order and Progress), emphasizing the importance of social order and continuous improvement through scientific advancement.
  • What are the three stages of historical development proposed by Comte?
    Comte proposed a three-stage theory of historical development: the theological or fictitious stage, the metaphysical or abstract stage, and the scientific or positive stage.
  • Describe the scientific or positive stage according to Comte.
    Comte believed that society would eventually enter a stage characterized by empirical observation, scientific analysis, and the application of rational principles to social organization, leading to practical solutions to social problems.
  • Metaphysical or Abstract Stage
    In this transitional stage, religious explanations are replaced by abstract philosophical concepts. People seek to understand the underlying principles governing the natural world through speculative reasoning.
  • Theological or Fictitious Stage
    In this stage, human understanding is dominated by religious or mythical explanations for natural phenomena. People attribute events to supernatural forces or divine will.