Cards (8)

  • Who is considered the founder of phenomenology?
    Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) is considered the founder of phenomenology, a philosophical method focused on the systematic study of consciousness and subjective experience.
  • What is phenomenology concerned with?
    Phenomenology is concerned with the detailed examination of subjective experience as it is immediately given to consciousness, without presupposing the existence of an external world.
  • What crisis did Husserl believe scientific rationality had reached?
    Husserl believed that scientific rationality had reached a crisis point, neglecting the subjective experience of the individual in favor of objective observation and analysis.
  • What is epoche in Husserl's phenomenology?
    Epoche, or bracketing, is the method of suspending judgment and examining phenomena without preconceived notions or biases.
  • What is intentionality in Husserl's phenomenology?
    Intentionality refers to the directedness of consciousness towards objects or phenomena. Consciousness is always directed towards something, whether real or imagined.
  • First Epoche
    The first epoche involves bracketing objectivism: the researcher sets aside scientific explanations to focus on the phenomenon itself as it appears in consciousness.
  • Second Epoche
    The second epoche involves bracketing subjectivism: the researcher suspends personal emotions or subjective interpretations that may influence perception.
  • Concept of intentionality
    Consciousness is always directed towards something, whether real or imagined.