postmodernist perspective on family

Cards (16)

  • the postmodernist view of family sees it as fragmented and diverse with different types of relationships existing alongside traditional nuclear families
    not one family type is the best
  • lyotard and baudrillard - post mod

    contemporary society is rapidly changes and people are questioning traditionally accepted morals, values and norms
    individuals no longer constrained by social structures and reject ideas about traditional family
  • beck-gernsheim and stacey - diversity and consumer choice reflected in disintegration of traditional family

    traditional family is being replaced by a wide diversity of relationships in which people are choosing to be in
    no longer feel bound by traditional ideas and expectations or traditional sexual identities
  • postmodernist view on increased divorce, cohabitation, lone parents etc

    these changes reflect individuals making consumer choices
    individuals are free agents who pick and choose and mix and match relationships as it suits them, and change them over time
    rise in alternative family units makes the notion of traditional family as a social institution redundant
  • giddens - pure relationships (post mod)

    structure and functions of the family is decided by individuals and their needs at the time
    pure relationships last as long as both partners are satisfied and exist solely to meet partners' needs
    confluent love = relationships based on love and respect
  • beck - negotiated family (post mod)

    families that don't conform to traditional family norms but vary depending upon wishes and needs of members via negotiation
  • 2 ways negotiated families are less stable
    emphasis on individual needs over needs of family
    individuals leave if needs aren't met = increased divorce and lone parents
  • stacey - silicon valley (post mod)

    greater freedom and choice enables women to shape family around their needs
    women are driving force of change
    study showed many women rejected traditional roles, returned to education, married and divorced
    identified emergence of divorce extended families - families connected by divorce
  • 6 characteristics of postmodern families 

    liberated sexual attitudes
    voluntary childlessness
    reproductive technology
    diversity in parenting arrangements
    crisis of masculinity (mac an ghaill)
  • postmodern families characteristics - liberated sexual attitudes

    women less likely to view love and marriage as primary goal
    evidence women are more sexually experienced before marriage = higher expectations
  • postmodern families characteristics - voluntary childlessness

    increasing number of women prioritising careers
  • postmodern families characteristics - reproductive technology
    older women and homosexual families can have children
  • postmodern families characteristics - diversity in parenting arrangements
    rise in divorce, single parent families, reconstituted families = rise in coparenting
  • postmodern families characteristics - crisis of masculinity (mac en ghaill)

    led to emergence of alternative masculinity which challenges traditional notions of masculinity
  • postmodern families characteristics - consumption
    families more concerned with what insignificant others think of them
    consumption of materialistic items becoming more important than family intimacy and interaction
    increasing evidence of kids being viewed as an accessory
  • evaluation of postmodernist perspective on family

    over emphasises change
    based on assumptions > evidence
    pick'n'mix isnt the norm as most people prefer stability long term
    arguably choice is still bound to existing structures and expectations