Evolution (chp.11)

Cards (8)

  • Biodiversity is the number of different species thag exist on this planet
  • Mutations are changes in the sequence of DNA in a chromosome or gene
  • When mutations build up they can reproductively isolate one population from another leading to speciation(new species forming)
  • Evolution is the gradual genetic change that occurs in organisms over time
  • Evolution of the 'Theory of Evolution'
    • 1829-Lamark: organisms accquired traits and passed them onto their offspring
    • 1858-Russel Wallace +Darwin: Natural Selection
  • The theory of evolution by natural selection:
    Observation - 1.species overbreed, population remains constant 2.individuals are variable
    Conclusion: 1.most organisms dont survive
    2.those that survive are better adapted and pass on their adaptations to their offspring
  • Evidence for evolution
    • Fossil record
    • Comparative genes
    • Direct observation
    • Comparative biochemistry
  • Examples of natural selection
    Peppered moth
    • Dominant pale form, as they camouflaged and outnumbered dark ones
    • Industrial revolution caused trees to be black- dark moths increased & pale declined
    • Clean Air Act removed the pollution and the tree trunks were paler, pale moths increased and dark declined
    Darwin's Finches
    • A seed-eating species got blown over to Galapagos
    • An empty archipelago island had many vacant places
    • The finches spread out so much new species developed
    • Some are still seed-eaters, some insects, 1 developed a taste for blood, 1 eats fruit and 1 only lives in mangroves