Marine: Deltaic, Beach, Tidal, Reef, Shallow Marine, Lagoonal, Submarine Fan, Deep water
Geological Principles
Original horizontality
Faunal succession
Sedimentary Structures
Dunes and Ripple Marks
Graded Bedding
Mud Cracks
Raindrop Impressions
Sole Marks
Arrangement of layers in any rock. Laminae = <1cm thickness, Strata = >1cm, Beds: Thick beds = >100 cm, Moderate beds = 10 - 100 cm, Thin beds = 1 - 10 cm
Symmetrical Ripple Marks
Symmetrical limbs = both sides of the ripple dip at about the same angle. Caused by bidirectional flow i.e. back-and-forth motion. Formed by wave or tide action shaping sediment on the ocean floor.
Asymmetrical Ripple Marks
Unequal limbs, with a shallow side and a steeper side. Caused by unidirectional flow i.e. one direction, like a river. Sediment moves up the shallow side and settles on the steep side.
Forms when ripples/dunes migrate due to wind or water current. Steep side of a ripple always angles downward toward the direction the water or wind was moving. Common in depositional environments like eolian, shoreface, tidal, and fluvial.
Description: Cross-bedding from ancient sand dunes in Coyote Gulch, part of the Canyons of the Escalante
Modern asymmetrical ripples
From the Bahamas
Asymmetrical ripples in sandstone
From Colorado, USA
Precambrian asymmetrical ripples in quartzite
From Wisconsin
Sedimentary Rocks
Forms when ripples/dunes migrate due to wind or water current
Steep side of a ripple always angles downward toward the direction the water or wind was moving
Common in depositional environments: eolian, shoreface, tidal (if strong enough), and fluvial (in point sequence where velocity increases)
Two main types: Planar/Tabular cross-bedding and Trough cross-bedding
Cross-bedding from ancient sand dunes
In Coyote Gulch, part of the Canyons of the Escalante, Utah
Herringbone Cross Stratification
Symmetrical tide
Asymmetrical tide – flood dominant
Flood dominant – no ebb deposit
Graded Bedding
Grain size changes within a single sedimentary bed
Coarse particles are mainly found at the bottom (older)
Particles progressively smaller towards the top (younger)
Represent depositional environments in which transport energy decreases over time
Example: changing water velocity in a river
Rapid depositional events, such as turbidity currents, can also lead to the formation of these patterns
Graded bedding
From the Precambrian of Tennessee, USA
Mud Cracks
Wet sediment, often clay-rich, dries out and develops cracks, forming surface polygons
Modern mud cracks - along river margins / flood-prone desert valleys
Can be filled with new sediment
Cracks are wider at the top and narrower towards the bottom
Cross-section view of a crack serves as a useful way-up indicator
Helps determine the original deposition orientation
Mud cracks
In limestone (Makgol Formation, Ordovician; South Korea)
Modern mud cracks (White River Badlands, South Dakota, USA)
In sandstone in the Cambrian of Maryland, USA
On base of sandstone bed (Kayenta Formation or Navajo Sandstone, Lower Jurassic; Utah, USA)
Raindrop Impressions
Small, concave marks made by rain on soft sediment
Useful for determining the correct orientation of the rock layer
Viewed from the bottom, they appear as raised bumps (convex)
Fine-grained rocks like siltstones and shale
Coarser-grained sandstones
Scattered rather than widespread across the surface
To be preserved, the impressions must be filled with sediment before the next rainstorm
Raindrop imprints
In sandstone in the Cretaceous of Colorado, USA
In siltstone from the Permian of New Mexico, USA
Modern raindrop imprints in the Leucite Hills of Wyoming, USA
Sole Marks
Appear as impressions or grooves in sediment
Cast (the raised bump) is at the bottom
Mold side (the impression) is filled with sediment
Good way-up indicators since the cast side is facing down