Managing our Resources

Cards (63)

  • What is the greenhouse effect?
    1. Solar Radiation passes through the atmosphere and heats the earth's surface 2. Radiation energy is released by the earth's surface 3. Some radiation energy is trapped by gases in the atmosphere
  • What type of GG is involved in Deforestation?
  • What type of GG is involved in Burning FF?
  • What type of GG is involved in Agriculture?
  • What type of GG is involved in Transport?
    Nitrous Oxide
  • Natural Causes-Sunspots
    more sunspots=more radiation=warmer temperatures
  • Natural Causes-Volcanic Activity
    release sulphur dioxide=increasing layer of GHG=more heat trapped
  • Natural Causes-Changes in Earths Orbit
    elongated reduces temperatures/circular orbit increases temperature
  • Wind Energy
    Form of renewable energy-Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power and eventually into electricity
  • Solar Energy
    The sun's energy is exploited by solar panels, collectors or cells to heat water or air or to generate electricity
  • Biofuels
    Biofuels are made by converting plants such as maize, wheat or sugar cane into energy
  • Positive Impact on people in the UK
    Milder Winters associated with CC which could lead to a reduction in cold-related deaths and illnesses
  • Negative Impact on people globally
    Global DR will increase as a result of increased numbers of droughts, heatwaves, food shortages and extreme weather events
  • Negative Impact on people in Australia
    An increase in wildfires in Australia as a result of rising temperatures and reduced rainfall totals has lead to increased homelessness.
  • Negative Impact on People in Tuvalu
    As sea levels rise, low-lying island nations like Tuvalu will disappear. This will lead to an increase in the number of environmental refugees
  • Positive Impact on environment in Scotland
    Some species such as the Sitka Spruce will thrive in warmer conditions
  • Negative Impact on environment in Australia
    Rising sea temperatures are damaging coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef has been damaged by 6 mass bleaching events since 1979. 100% of corals will be affected by 2080
  • Negative Impact on environment in Greenland
    GL has lost 280 billion tonnes of ice since 1993. Antarctica has also started losing ice. As the polar ice caps melt, sea levels rise. Some believe the sea could rise by up to 4ft by 2100 putting coastal habitats and island nations at risk
  • Positive Impact on economy in UK
    The tourist industry in the UK could thrive with temperatures similar to French ones. More British people will choose to take domestic holidays. More international tourists will also arrive in the UK
  • Negative Impact on economy in Fens and Somerset
    Low-lying areas near the sea will be prone to flooding. Damage to property and infrastructure will have huge financial costs. The UK government will also have to invest more money into coastal defences
  • Negative Impact on economy in India
    forecast to have 92% reduction in GDP by 2100 due to climate change. With increased levels of drought, agriculture will suffer
  • Reduce
    Most sustainable form. Means reducing the waste you produce by buying/consuming less. ultimately less waste goes to landfill.
  • Reuse
    find innovative ways to use items again e.g.-shopping bags
  • Recycle
    Turn waste materials into useful products-increased use of energy but less waste in landfill. e.g.-blue bins
  • How do landfill sites have water pollution?
    Rainfall and throughflow leaches harmful/toxic chemicals from the waste tip into rivers e.g. mercury from batteries. This water pollution can kill aquatic organisms and contaminate drinking water
  • How do landfill sites have Global Warming?
    Methane gas is released into the atmosphere as organic material rots-this GHG contributes to global warming
  • How do landfill sites have Vermin and Pests?
    Organic material deposited in landfill dumps can sustain large numbers of pest species
  • How do landfill sites have cost issues?
    Tax paid by governments. It costs £32 per tonne for biodegradable waste and £2.50 per tonne for inactive waste
  • How do landfill sites have fining issues?
    Growing consumerism. The EU imposes fines if landfill is not reduced by 80% by 2020
  • How do landfill sites have respiratory disease issues?
    Acid gases can be emitted from landfill sites e.g. hydrogen fluroide. These gases can act as irritants to the airways and activate respiratory diseases with asthmatics most at risk
  • How do landfill sites have smell issues?
    result in nausea and headaches
  • How do landfill sites have food contamination issues?
    Fish can be contaminated by mercury leachate
  • How do landfill sites have bacterial disease issues?
    increased scavengers/pests cause worrying health issues. Summer provides ideal breeding a d feeding ground so more direct disease transmission
  • Description of the 2015 ICCA
    -195 Countries signed up -Prevents global temperatures form increasing more than 2.0 C -Review targets every 5 years -Developed countries provide $100 billion from 2020 to finance the targets -Countries must report on their progress to the public and other countries
  • Positives of 2015 ICCA
    -195 all agreeing -ambitious targets (well below 2 and striving for 1.5) -review mechanism allows transparency -China agreed to 60% reduction
  • Negatives of ICCA
    -no consequences for failing to achieve their targets -Research at Tyndall Centre for Climate Change has shown the combined pledges will still result in a 4-6C increase -World's 2nd biggest polluter, USA withdrew claiming it would cost them $3 trillion GDP and 6.5 million jobs -The $100 billion per year policy is very expensive
  • Honour your hosts
    Learn local customs and try to use the language
  • Protect our Planet
    Don't feed animals or pick wildflowers and don't leave litter behind
  • Support the local economy
    Buy locally made goods and pay a fair price. Try local food in local restaurants
  • Be a respectful traveller 

    Observe national laws, customs and traditions. Respect human rights