childhood represented more positively - families are more child-centred, viewing childhood as a separate Lifestage
represented more negatively
media socially-constructs youth culture
How the media socially-constructs “youth”
media industry sought to create youth culture
e.g popular music - Taylor Swift , fashion through magazines, social media - highly influential on youth identity
most sociologists argue mediamakeyouth culture
a03 - pluralists - argue these products only give what youth want
Cohen - moral panics
first coined the term moral panics
in relation to rival youth subcultures: the mods and the rockers, and the media reaction to clashes between the groups on bank holidays in seaside resorts.
the youths were turned into folk devils and many subsequent moral panics have focused on youth culture too, from punks, to drug-taking ravers, to “hoodies”.
knock on effect on how youth are presented in media today
Wayne et al - youth representation in news
researched the content of news programmes across the main channels in one month
found that 82% of news items concentrated on young people and violent crime (either as perpetrator or victim).
elderly typically seen negatively and positively
newman - elderly representation
upper/middle-class elderly people (particularly men) are often portrayed as being in leadership positions or elite occupations
presidents, judges and businessmen.
audience trust an older male voice, with grey hair lending authority - more wise
stereotypes of old age
grumpy - up (Disney film)
burden - due to ageing population
infantile - presented as childlike
demented or confused - Charlie and the chocolate factory
second childhood - involves elderly doing things they wish they did when they were younger e.g the real marigold hotel
Williams and ylanne
elderly viewed nostalgically and as mentors
lee et al
older adults in adverts are generally represented positively, healthy, active people
enjoying a golden age
Robinson et al
found that older viewers were attracted to advertisements that presented their own age group positively: as vibrant and intelligent.