
Cards (15)

  • upper class / ruling elite
    1. over represented In media
    2. represented as celebrities
  • Nairn - royal representation
    • gives the example of the Royal Family, whose life is treated almost like a soap opera, with the media taking a great interest in minor aspects of their every-day life. 
    • e.g the crown on Netflix depicts the monarchy
  • newman - upper class overrepresentation
    argues media focuses heavily on the upper class
    glorifying their lifestyle even though the rich only represent a small portion of society
    influences audiences to live the 'American dream'
    e.g the great Gatsby, Bridgerton
  • middle class
    • over represented
    • dominant
    • anxiety
  • middle class - over-representation
    • middle class is probably even more over-represented than the very rich. e.g Property programmes aimed at middle class
    • dominant ideologies of middle class transmitted by middle class producers (Althusser ISA)
    • middle class culture presented as normal
  • middle class - anxiety
    • mc often represented as being anxious about contemporary society - prone to moral panic
    • e.g Daily mail targets middle class audiences focusing on topics such as immigration, youth culture in a negative light
  • working class
    1. seen as a problem
    2. shallow / unintelligent
    3. "salt of the earth"
  • jones - working class representation

    argues the media demonises the working class
    seen as a problem
    e.g rich house, poor house , shameless
  • newman - working class
    • often represented and stereotyped as a problem in the media.
    • Working-class lives are presented as marginal and problematic rather than as the majority of the population.
  • curran and Seaton
    • media producers dumb down content to cater to working class audiences
    • e.g reality tv shows , comedies, the sun focuses on entertaining stories to attract working class
  • "salt of the earth"
    • can be seen more positively
    • working-class people as simple but decent “normal” people. 
    • many producers have a pro-working class political message
  • underclass / poverty
    1. marginalised & dehumanised
    2. entertainment
  • mckendrick - marginalisation of underclass

    argues marginalisation of poverty in news
    there was very little exploration of the causes of poverty
    marginalisation - treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral.
  • schildrick and macdonald - underclass
    • underclass labelled as welfare dependant
    • e.g benefits Britain, can't pay we'll take it away
  • underclass - entertainment
    • poverty is used as entertainment
    • e.g reality tv and documentaries
    • use them for a laugh - do not realise these are lived experiences