
Cards (11)

  • barnes
    • identified 12 commonly reoccurring representations of disability
  • Pitiable and pathetic 
    a staple of television documentaries, which often focus on disabled children and the possibilities of miracle cures
  • Sinister and evil
     for example Villains in James Bond movies often have physical impairments
  • Atmospheric or Curious
    • where disabled people are included in drama to enhance atmosphere of menace, unease, mystery or deprivation
    • Barnes calls this “disability voyeurism” where disability is presenting as fascinating and different (which often links to the decision to include disabilities in the construction of fictional villains)
  • super cripples
    the disabled are sometimes portrayed as having special powers, for example blind people might be viewed as visionnaires with sixth sense. e.g dare devil, nick fury
  • sexually abnormal
     the media usually treat the disable as having no sense of sexuality, but when they do they are represented as sexually degenerate.
  • incapable of participation in community life
    disable people are rarely show as integral and productive members of working society – Barns calls this the stereotype of omission.
  • longmore
    • suggests that telethons historically present disabled children as people who are unable to participate fully in community life (sports/ sexuality) unless they are ‘fixed’.
    • telethons are primarily about raising money rather than raising awareness of the reality of being disabled, they may end up reinforcing stereotypes of disabled people.
    • telethons - televised marathons
  • williams - findlay
    •  examined the content of The Times and The Guardian to see whether the coverage of the disabled had changed between 1989 and 2009.
    •  found that the use of stereotypical words had declined in those 20 years, but that stereotypical representations were still present in 2009 because journalists still assumed that disability was ‘tragic’.
  • Watson et al 

    compared tabloid media coverage of disability in five newspapers in 2004-5 with coverage in 2010-11 they found that:
    • There had been a significant increase in the reporting of disability
    • In 2010-11 the reporting of groups with mental disabilities was particularly negative, often associated with them being welfare scroungers.
  • object of ridicule
    • Often disabled people are the butt of jokes. Particularly impairments of speech or learning difficulties are represented in this way, e.g. the Ricky Gervais character Derek.