The Karoo Supergroup sedimentary rocks are overlain by the Drakensberg Group volcanic lavas, forming a basaltic capping approximately 1,500 meters thick
Basalt flows in the lavas are almost horizontally layered, with thickness ranging from 3 to 8 meters
Weathering rates, processes, and landform development are influenced by contrasting lithology, age, and formation mechanisms
Denudation and land surface erosion occurred episodically during the Cenozoic period (~66 Ma)
Evidence of erosion includes exhumed igneous rocks, preserved paleo-surfaces, and apatite fission track thermochronometric dating suggesting erosion rates of 95 ± 43 ,/Ma between 91-69 Ma
Phases of tectonic uplift were followed by land surface denudation, forming regional-scale planation surfaces like the African Surface, Post-African I Surface, and Post-African II Surface