living things and cells

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  • nutrition:the way in which living things get rid of food
  • excretion: living things get rid of wastes they produce
  • 5 main groups: Bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, others.
  • vertebrates- animals that have a backbone
  • Invertebrates-animals that dont have a backbone.
  • Cells: living things are made of cells.
  • cells can divide to form 2 cells. This is called cell division.
  • Animal Cells- have 3 main parts a cell membrain, nucleus and cytoplasm.
  • Cell Membrain- very thin layer that surrounds the cell.
  • Nucleus: its function is to act as a control centre around the cell.
  • chlorphast: contains a green pigment called chlorophyll.
  • cell wall: provides protection to the cell.
  • large vacuole: stores food and water.