Sigall and Ostrove

Cards (3)

  • Procedure
    • Studied 120 college students (with equal sex split) and got them to need an account of a crime where the defendant was female and asked to give a sentence of the crime
    • The IV was what type of crime she was committing - either burglary or swindling. It was predicted she would be treated more harshly for swindling as she was using her beauty to commit the crime
  • Swindling results
    • Swindling + attractive = 5.45
    • Swindling + unattractive = 4.35
    • Swindling + control = 4.35
  • Burglary results
    • Burglary + attractive = 2.8
    • Burglary + unattractive = 5.2
    • Burglary + control = 5.1