Cards (24)

  • Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)
    The use of drug concentration measurements in body fluids as an aid to the management of drug therapy for the cure, alleviation or prevention of disease
  • Goal of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • Maximize the effectiveness of the drug and therapeutic benefit
    • Minimize drug toxicity and adverse effects
  • Why Is Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Necessary?
    • To detect and prevent suboptimal treatment and avoid drug toxicity in patients
    • For individualization of drug dosage and therapy due to inter-individual variability in plasma drug concentrations
    • To monitor and detect drug and disease-based interactions
    • To explain apparent 'resistance' to the action of a drug
    • When the effect cannot readily be assessed quantitatively by clinical observation
  • Drugs that Require Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • Drugs with narrow therapeutic range
    • Significant inter-individual pharmacokinetic variability
    • Nonlinear pharmacokinetics (drugs following saturation metabolism)
    • Drugs whose therapeutic effect cannot be readily assessed by clinical observation
    • Drugs whose plasma levels (or metabolite plasma levels) correlate directly with the pharmacological or toxic effects
  • Drugs that do not require TDM
    • Usually those with a wide therapeutic range
    • Irreversible action (i.e., hit and run drugs such as MAO inhibitors, Omeprazole, Reserpine, Guanethidine)
    • Clinically quantifiable pharmacological effects which can be monitored by clinical end points
    • Drugs whose plasma levels do not correlate with therapeutic or toxic effects
  • Specific assays
    Separate and detect metabolite and parent drugs, providing better pharmacokinetic parameter estimation of a drug and information on its metabolites
  • Nonspecific assays
    Typically tend to identify a class of compounds and may provide an overestimation of the actual drug concentrations
  • Samples Used for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • Plasma/serum
    • Whole blood
    • Saliva
    • Breath
  • Timing of Sample Collection
    • At steady state (SS)
    • At the appropriate time in relation to the last dose
    • Generally measured in the elimination phase
    • C peak for some antibiotics (aminoglycosides)
    • Not during the distribution phase
  • The time taken to reach steady state is determined by the elimination half-life of the drug
  • Clinical Interpretation of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Reports
    If there are alterations in serum drug concentration, either lower or higher than expected, or if a patient fails to respond to therapy despite adequate serum drug concentration, then drug dosage adjustment is required
  • Common Causes of Alterations in Serum Drug Concentration
    • If the sample was taken at the correct time with respect to the last dose
    • If a steady state has been reached
    • If the patient is adhered to the treatment
    • If there is a drug-drug interaction
    • If there is a liver/kidney dysfunction
  • Therapeutic decisions should never be based solely on the drug concentration in the serum. The cardinal principle is to treat the patient rather than the drug concentration.
  • Amikacin
    Broad spectrum antibiotic active against aerobic Gram-negative organisms including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Mycobacteria. High-dose extended-interval("once-daily") aminoglycoside dosing is generally recommended to decrease toxicity and improve efficacy.
  • Vancomycin
    Glycopeptide antibiotic with bactericidal activity against aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli, including multi-resistant Staphylococci (MRSA). Used in prophylaxis and treatment of endocarditis and other serious infections caused by Gram-positive cocci.
  • Phenytoin
    Widely used alone and in combination with other anticonvulsants for all forms of epilepsy except absence seizures, prophylaxis in neurosurgery or severe head injury, and to treat trigeminal neuralgia
  • Factors Affecting Phenytoin Concentration
    • Metabolized by CYP2C9 (90%) and 2C19 (10%), limited capacity
    • Saturation kinetics (nonlinear or zero-order kinetics)
    • Individuals vary as to when their kinetics become nonlinear
    • Valproate displaces protein-bound phenytoin
    • Unbound (i.e., free phenytoin) concentrations affected by some drugs or changes in availability of albumin for binding
    • Pregnancy increases clearance
    • Induces metabolism of some other antiepileptics and many other drugs
  • Free fraction of phenytoin
    The normal free fraction is 10%. It can be as high as 30% in patients with end stage renal disease and hypoalbuminemia.
  • Phenytoin concentration adjustment formulas for hypoalbuminemia and renal failure
  • Patients have lower total concentrations despite having adequate free concentrations (increased free fraction). Dosage adjustment of phenytoin not needed, just a different concentrations approach to evaluating.
  • Phenytoin Therapeutic Range
    • Total: 10–20 mg/L
    • Free: 1–2 mg/L
  • Digoxin
    Used in the management of certain supraventricular arrhythmias, particularly chronic atrial flutter and fibrillation, and in the management of chronic cardiac failure where the dominant problem is systolic dysfunction
  • Digoxin Therapeutic Range
    0.8–2.0 mcg/L
  • Lithium
    Used in treatment and prophylaxis of mania, bipolar disorder and recurrent depression