'I want to throw open the windows of the church so that we can see out and people can see in.'
Sacrosanctum Concilium (Liturgy) : 'full, conscious and active participation of the people in the celebration of the liturgy.'
Lumen Gentium (church): 'the church recognised as the laity and the ordained together: the people of God, the body of christ.'
Dei Verbum (Divine Revelation): 'easy access to sacred scripture should be provided for all Christians.'
Gaudiem et Spes (Church in modern world): 'the council lays stress on reverence for the human person.'
Decree on Ecumenism 'the restoration of unity among all christians.'
John on ecumensim: 'do not say heretics my son... say separated angels.' to cardinal Ottavian.
Nostra Aetate (relations wiht non christians) during 1960 Good Friday prayer: 'you will not say perifidous Jews but, 'our elder brothers in the faith.'
nostra aetate: 'promoting unity and love among all men.'
Mater et Magistra: 'hence, through the church's first care must be for souls, how she can sanctify them.'
Reginal coeli prison: you could not come to me so I came to you.'
Pacem in terris: 'peace must be founded on truth built according to justice.'
cubam missile crisis 1962 'must omit no effort to achieve peace.'
Psalm 34:15 ‘seek peace and pursue it.’
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” Matthew 25:35
‘our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sins might be done away.’ Romans 6:6
‘Repent and be baptised…. For the forgiveness of your sins.’ Act 2:38
Matthew 3:16 ‘at that moment the heaven was opened, and he saw the spirit of God descending.’