Enviromental ethics quotes

Cards (9)

  • ‘To God belongs all that is in the heavens and on Earth.’ Quran 4:126
  • ‘Glorify him and there is not a thing but glorifies his practice.’ Quran 17:44
  • And the sky has he raised high and had devised a balance….and do not upset the balance.’ Quran 55:7-9
  • ‘Verify all things have we created in proportion and measure.’ Quran 54:49
  • ‘Do not seek to cause corruption in the Earth.’ Quran 28:77
  • ‘It is he who made you caliph over the Earth.’ Quran 6:165
  • ‘The Earth he hass assigned to all living creatures.’ Quran 55:10
    Animal Rights
  • ‘You should sharpen your blades and give relief to the slaughter one.’ 
  • ‘ clean energy and sustainable future for everyone.’