4Q BIO102 Quizzes

Cards (44)

  • to make an identical copy of DNA
    The purpose of DNA replication is _____
  • Helicase
    During the first step in DNA replication, DNA is unwound or unzipped by the enzyme _____
  • DNA polymerase
    The enzyme that matches complementary bases and builds the new strand of DNA is _____
  • Cytosine
    When DNA polymerase is in contact with guanine in the parent strand, what base does it add to the growing daughter strand?
  • d
    Which event takes place first during DNA replication?
    a.free nucleotides are bonded together in the correct sequence
    b. a single-stranded RNA molecule is formed
    c. tRNA links to an amino acid
    d. the DNA molecule unzips along hydrogen bonds
  • adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
    The 4 nitrogen bases found in DNA are _____
  • b
    When does DNA replication occur?
    a.during cell division
    b. before the cell divides
    c. before protein synthesis
    d. after the cell divides
    Which strand below would be the complementary strand for the sequence AAACGCTT?
  • nucleotides
    Scientists have determined that DNA is made of individual units called_____
  • a
    Which compound is not part of a DNA nucleotide?
    b. thymine
    c. deoxyribose
    d. adenine
  • double helix
    The shape of a DNA molecule is _____
  • a
    Which is the significance of the pairing of nitrogenous bases?
    a.complementary bases are present in equal amounts
    b. pairing the bases slow down DNA replication
    c. pairing the bases stops DNA replication
    d. all nitrogenous bases are present in equal amounts
  • a pair of nitrogenous bases
    The DNA molecule has a ladder-type structural organization. Each rung of this ladder represents _____
  • b
    What event is not part of the process of DNA replication?
    a.complementary base pairs are formed from free floating nucleotides
    b. ribosomes are constructed
    c. the strands are proofread for errors
    d. hydrogen bonds are broken by an enzyme
  • semiconservative
    When DNA is replicated half of the strand is old and half is new for this reason DNA is called
  • d
    Why does each cell needs DNA?
    a.DNA provides energy for all cell activities
    b. DNA is used by cells for cell transport
    c. DNA provides nucleotides for the construction of the cell membrane
    d. DNA determines the proteins produced in the cell which determine an organism's traits
  • 2 DNA molecules, 1 new and 1 original
    What is the end result of DNA replication?
  • The DNA molecule unzips
    What is the 1st step in DNA replication?
  • a pair of nitrogenous bases, pentose sugar, and phosphate
    What are the basic units of a DNA nulceotide?
  • a
    Which is an accurate description of how DNA is replicated?
    a.2 strands of DNA are unzipped and each serves as a template for a complementary DNA strand
    b. The nucleotides of 1 strand of DNA are taken apart to form a new DNA molecule, then it's replaced by free nucleotides
    c. The nucleotides of both strand of DNA are taken apart and used to assemble 2 completely new protein molecules
    d. The 2 strands are unzipped and each is used to make a new DNA strand before being put back together
  • alternating sugars and phosphates
    DNA is a spiral ladder-shaped structure with the sides of the ladder representing which components?
  • free-floating nucleotides
    During replication in the nucleus, what is responsible for pairing with DNA nucleotides on the open strand?
  • sequence of nitrogenous bases
    Which part of the DNA molecule determines an organism's traits?
  • a
    During transcription, _____
    a.regulatory proteins attach to the DNA at the promoter site
    b. non-coding sequences are removed from the RNA transcript
    c. DNA polymerase assembles RNA nucleotides
    d. tRNA brings nucleotides to the DNA strand
  • transfer
    Amino acids are carried to ribosomes by _____ RNA
  • mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA
    Which of the following molecules are required for the process of translation?
  • c
    As the polypeptide is elongating during translation, what is the ribosome doing?
    a.removing incorrectly added amino acids
    b. breaking hydrogen bonds between the tRNA and the mRNA
    c. moving along the mRNA transcript bonding amino acids to each other
    d. travelling back and forth between the nucleus and the growing polypeptide with information on which amino acids to add
  • RNA polymerase
    Which enzyme unwinds the DNA replication?
  • Helicase
    Which enzyme unwinds the DNA during transcription?
  • Peptide
    During elongation, ribosomes catalyze formation of a _____ bond between an amino acid and the growing polypeptide
  • 3
    How many nucleotides comprise one codon?
  • tRNA
    Which carries amino acids to ribosomes?
  • 3'-UCA-5'
    A particular triplet of bases in the template strand of DNA is 5'-AGT-3'. What would be the corresponding codon for the mRNA that is transcribed?
  • uracil
    During transcription, adenine is complementary to _____
  • c
    Transcription _____
    a.uses the enzyme DNA polymerase
    b. uses both strands of DNA as templates
    c. produces 3 different types of RNA molecules
    d. results in a double-stranded end product
  • translation

    The information from mRNA is used to create polypeptide sequences during the process of _____
  • transcription and translation
    Which process/es are part of gene expression?
  • transcription
    Which process is responsible for the conversion of DNA information into mRNA?
  • nucleus
    In eukaryotes, DNA is transcribed in the _____
  • nucleus
    Eukaryotic post-transcriptional modifications occur in the _____