Proportions of dry food, homekill, canned food, etc.
Nutrition Importance Rating
Farmers' rating of nutrition, variety, cost, balanced diet, convenience, and acceptance
Median age
Reported as 3 years, with a high proportion of younger dogs
Average working dog diet consists of:
40% dry food and 40% homekill. Remainder canned food, dog roll or table scraps
The most common diet of a working farm dog in the surveys was primarily:
Homekill combined with dry food (TUX)
Digestibility trials
Essential in establishing nutrient requirements for proper animal nutrition
How are digestibility trials conduncted?
Feeding an animal a diet, collecting feces and analyzing food and feces
What does the digestibility trials establish?
Amount of nutrients an animal is absorbing and utilizing form it's food
What are the benefits of feeding biscuits with homekill?
Dogs receive high protein/fat from the meat/offal portion. Vitamins and minerals from the biscuit portion
What else does biscuits provide?
CHO - may aid in recovery by replenishing glycogen stores in muscles after working hard
Energy Expenditure (EE) work:Energy is the first limiting nutrient. Diets are formulated according to energy. Measured with the "goldstandard" isotope method
Doubly- Labelled Water method
Uses isotopes to measure energy expenditure in free-living animals
DLW technique relies on the O2 in CO2 being in complete isotopic exchange equilibrium with O2 in bodywater.18O is lost in CO2 & H2O but the 2H is only lost in water.