4Q FHC102 Quizzes

Cards (70)

  • d
    Prior to hand washing, jewelries like wristwatch should be removed or may be pushed up above the wrist for what reason?
    a.To avoid jewelries from contaminating the washed skin area. 
    b. None of these.   
    c. To cut on the additional amount of soap and water that will be required to wash the jewelries with your hands.
    d. To provide access to skin surfaces for cleaning. 
  • a
    What are Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs)?
    a.Infections that patients acquire while receiving treatment for other conditions in a healthcare setting
    b. Infections that occur in the community
    c. Infections that are genetic in nature
    d. Infections that a client may transmit during their visit to any healthcare facility
  • d
    What is a key strategy to combat HCAIs?
    a.Reducing the number of hospital beds
    b. Prescribing more antibiotics   
    c. Increasing the number of hospital staff
    d. Implementing strict hand hygiene protocols
  • b
    Hand hygiene is essential for removing which of the following? 
    a.Only visible dirt
    b. Both visible dirt and some resident hand microorganisms
    c. Some resident and transient hand microorganisms
    d. Only transient microorganisms 
  • soiled-hands
    Which term is often used to describe hands that are visibly dirty? 
  • c
    In a healthcare setting, why might alcohol-based hand rubs be more accessible than handwashing sinks? 
    a.They are less expensive to install.
    b. They require less maintenance.
    c. All of these.   
    d. They can be placed in more locations. 
  • 20-30 seconds
    How long should you rub your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub to ensure effective decontamination? 
  • a
    As a healthcare provider, you want to minimize the risk of contaminating equipment. Besides wearing gloves, what hand hygiene practice should you follow? 
    a.Hand rubbing with alcohol-based solution before and after wearing gloves   
    b. Using hand sanitizer once a day   
    c. Ignoring hand hygiene because you wear gloves   
    d. Washing hands only at the beginning of your shift 
  • b
    In a busy clinic, you’ve interacted with multiple patients and surfaces. What type of microorganisms are you most likely to have on your hands? 
    a.Resident skin flora Correct Answer  
    b. Transient microorganisms from contaminated surfaces   
    c. Beneficial bacteria   
    d. Viruses from the air 
  • b
    The fifth moment for hand hygiene is after: 
    a.Meeting with colleagues 
    b. Touching any object or furniture in the patient’s immediate surroundings when leaving
    c. Eating food   
    d. Taking a break 
  • c
    What is the second moment for hand hygiene? 
    a.Before leaving the healthcare facility   
    b. Before eating 
    c. Immediately before performing a clean/aseptic procedure
    d. After any procedures performed with the patient 
  • c
    Why is it important to perform hand hygiene ‘Before touching a patient’.
    a.To make a good impression   
    b. To warm up your hands 
    c. To protect the patient against harmful germs carried on your hands.
    d. To prepare the patient for a procedure  
  • d
    What should be done with re-usable hand hygiene product dispensers before refilling? 
    a.They should be refilled as is.   
    b. They should be replaced.   
    c. They should be disinfected only. 
    d. They should be emptied, washed, and dried 
  • d
    What should you use to turn off the tap after rinsing your hands? 
    a.Your elbow   
    b. Your foot   
    c. The same hand you used to turn it on 
    d. A clean towel or a paper towel 
  • d
    How should soap be applied to ensure all hand surfaces are covered? 
    a.Only on the fingertips   
    b. Only on the back of the hands   
    c. In a circular motion only on the palms
    d. Evenly across all hand surfaces
  • d
    After the patient received blood transfusion, the doctor ordered to assess the patient's vitals every 30 minutes. Which of the following statements BEST explains the reason for this order?
    a.None of these.   
    b. Monitor the progression of the patient's illness   
    c. Identify potential health problem
    d. Evaluate the patient's response to the intervention 
  • a, b, c, d
    Which is TRUE about assessing vital signs?
    a.Significant changes should be verified & communicated 
    b. The environmental factors that may influence vital sign values should be controlled. 
    c. The health care/medical care provider should decide on the frequency of vital signs assessment. 
    d. Make certain that equipment is functional & appropriate. 
  • a, b, c
    Select ALL that APPLY.
    When should vital signs be assessed?
    a.On admission to a health care agency
    b. Before and after the performance of an invasive procedure 
    c. When a client has a change in health status. 
    d. Before and after a patient interview 
  • core
    The normal _______temperature is a range of temperatures from 36 degree Celsius to 37.5 degree Celsius.
  • a, c, d
    Select ALL that APPLY.
    Which of the following factors affect body temperature?
    b. Race
    c. Food intake
    d. Circadian Rhythm 
  • rectal
    Ensure that the water-soluble lubricant is prepared if the patient's temperature will be taken from which site?
  • a, b, c, d, e, f
    Select ALL that APPLY.
    Taking oral temperature may NOT be safe for ___. 
    a.young children  
    b. Infants 
    c. Irrational 
    d. Patients with seizure disorder 
    e. Patient who has eaten or drank hot or cold food/beverage 
    f. Unconscious 
  • tympanic
    For very young, confused, or unconscious clients, the use of this site is advisable.
  • hyperthermia/pyrexia
    This alteration in body temperature results from the body’s inability to promote heat loss or reduce heat production.
  • b
    Vital signs are taken initially in a clinical setting to:
    a.Prepare for patient transport
    b. Guide immediate care decisions.   
    c. Prioritize clinical problems based on physiological data.   
    d. Inform the healthcare team. 
  • c
    Why is it important to know a client’s usual range of vital signs?
    a.To establish good rapport with the patient   
    b. To predict future vital signs 
    c. To detect deviations from the norm   
    d. To complete the health record 
  • a
    What is the purpose of ensuring that equipment is functional and appropriate?
    a.To ensure the accuracy of the results   
    b. To comply with healthcare regulations   
    c. To make the process faster   
    d. To impress the client 
  • d
    On what basis should the frequency of vital signs assessment be decided?
    a.The healthcare provider’s preference   
    b. Fixed time intervals   
    c. The type of equipment available 
    d. The patient’s needs
  • d
    What should be done if there is a significant change in a patient’s vital signs?
    a.Ignore it as an anomaly   
    b. Change the treatment without verification   
    c. Immediately inform the patient’s family
    d. Verify the change with a recheck or different equipment 
  • d
    When should vital signs first be assessed in a healthcare setting?
    a.Only if the patient requests it   
    b. After the patient has been admitted for 24 hours   
    c. Once the patient is comfortable and rested
    d. Immediately upon admission to obtain baseline data 
  • b
    Vital signs should be monitored before and/or after administration of medication that could affect:
    a.The patient’s mood
    b. The respiratory or cardiovascular systems   
    c. The patient’s sleep pattern   
    d. The patient’s appetite 
  • blood pressure
    Which vital sign completes the sequence of a full vital sign assessment?
  • c
    Why is core body temperature measurement considered more accurate than surface body temperature?
    a.It is always measured in Celsius.   
    b. It is easier to measure. 
    c. It is less influenced by external factors.   
    d. It fluctuates more. 
  • true
    A rectal temperature is generally 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) higher than an oral temperature.
  • A rectal temperature reading is typically 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) higher than an oral temperature reading. This is because the rectum generally provides a more internal measurement of body temperature, which can be less influenced by external environmental factors compared to the mouth. 
  • b
    Relapsing fever is characterized by:
    a.Fever that fluctuates within a 2ºC range. 
    b. Recurrent episodes of fever after periods of improvement.
    c. Continuous high fever without improvement.
    d. Fever that is unaffected by medical intervention. 
  • c
    A normal adult pulse will beat regularly between 60 and 100 times each minute at rest; in babies and children they are ______.
    a.much slower   
    b. a bit slower
    c. much faster   
    d. a bit faster   
    e. equal 
  • apical
    Which of the following sites may be used to assess pulse in infants and children up to 3 years of age?
  • palpitations
    It is characterized as a general or heightened awareness of your own heartbeat – whether it’s too fast, too slow, or otherwise irregular.
  • pulse volume/amplitude/quality
    This characteristic of pulse reflects the volume of blood, the heart’s functioning, the cardiac output, and the arteries’ elastic properties.