
Cards (19)

  • Orthopaedic Disease
    A disease affecting the musculo-skeletal system, including bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments
  • Traumatic Injuries
    Injuries caused by external force, leading to bone fractures, muscle lacerations, tendon ruptures, and ligament sprains
  • Risk factors for traumatic injuries include:
    Vehicles, stock, terrain, fences
  • Non-traumatic Degenerative Musculoskeletal Disease:
    Not caused by external trauma, such as lumbosacral disease, hip dysplasia, and toe infections
  • Bone injuries
    Fractures (open/closed)
  • Muscle injuries
    Laceration, rupture, bruising
  • Tendon injuries
    Laceration, ruptures, strain
  • Ligament injuries
    Laceration, ruptures, sprain
  • Connective Tissue Healing
    Process where bones regenerate complex tissues, while muscles, tendons, and ligaments heal mainly by scarring
  • Scaring can lead to compromise. Fibrous tissue within torn muscle can restrict muscle mobility and strength. Contraction of scar tissue can shorten muscle.
  • Ligament and tendon healing by scarring lacks the alignment of collagen fibers for complete strength
  • Collateral Ligament Injury
    A severe sprain of a ligament, graded as a grade 3 sprain, often requiring surgery for repair
  • Sprains and Strains
    Injuries where ligaments (sprains) or tendons (strains) tear to varying degrees, graded from minimal tearing to complete rupture
  • A tendon or ligament can "avulse" or pull off bone attachment
  • Achilles Mechanism: the common calcanean tendon in dogs composed of 5 muscles forming 3 separate tendons, prone to athletic tears and avulsions
  • Stifle Joint is a diarthrodial joint involving 2 large bones, ligaments collateral crucite and patellar, mensci - medial and lateral, 4 sesamoids - patella, 2x fabellae, popliteal m.
  • CCLR Treatment Traditional Surgery

    Examine for other ligament deficiency. Open the joint and examine the cartilages stabilize with a prosthesis or a tissue graft
  • CCLR Treatment Modern (TPLO) Surgery

    Dynamically stabilize the stifle by changing the orientation of the bones and therefore the forces
  • Factors affecting Outcome
    Determinants like the decision to save or replace the dog, training level, farm knowledge, use of the dog, and farm terrain affecting recover