Not caused by external trauma, such as lumbosacral disease, hip dysplasia, and toe infections
Bone injuries
Fractures (open/closed)
Muscle injuries
Laceration, rupture, bruising
Tendon injuries
Laceration, ruptures, strain
Ligament injuries
Laceration, ruptures, sprain
Connective Tissue Healing
Process where bones regenerate complex tissues, while muscles, tendons, and ligaments heal mainly by scarring
Scaring can lead to compromise. Fibrous tissue within torn muscle can restrict muscle mobility and strength. Contraction of scar tissue can shorten muscle.
Ligament and tendon healing by scarring lacks the alignment of collagen fibers for complete strength
Collateral Ligament Injury
A severe sprain of a ligament, graded as a grade 3 sprain, often requiring surgery for repair
Sprains and Strains
Injuries where ligaments (sprains) or tendons (strains) tear to varying degrees, graded from minimal tearing to complete rupture
A tendon or ligament can "avulse" or pull off bone attachment
Achilles Mechanism: the commoncalcanean tendon in dogs composed of 5 muscles forming 3 separate tendons, prone to athletic tears and avulsions
Stifle Joint is a diarthrodial joint involving 2 largebones, ligaments collateral crucite and patellar, mensci - medial and lateral, 4sesamoids - patella, 2x fabellae, popliteal m.
CCLR Treatment Traditional Surgery
Examine for other ligamentdeficiency. Open the joint and examine the cartilages stabilize with a prosthesis or a tissue graft
CCLR Treatment Modern (TPLO) Surgery
Dynamically stabilize the stifle by changing the orientation of the bones and therefore the forces
Factors affecting Outcome
Determinants like the decision to save or replace the dog, training level, farm knowledge, use of the dog, and farm terrain affecting recover