Information processing model

Cards (4)

  • Input
    Stage involves sensory mechanisms detecting signals and cues in the environment -->gathered by external and/or internal sources
    • E.g. sight, sound, touch, proprioceptors
  • Decision making
    Brain processes data received from sensory system
    1. Stimulus detection : analyses and interprets data from sensory mechanism E.g. sense organs, strength of cue, length of cue, level of arousal and noise
    2. Decision making mechanism : performer makes a decision as to what response to make
    3. Response selection : effector mechanism and CNS produce response selected organises, intiates and controls chose motor program
  • Output
    Neuromuscular system produces the movement required for the selected response - chosen by the individual
  • Feedback
    Athlete receives feedback about the performance of the selected response, can be external/internal
    1. Terminal : Feedback provided after the performance, typically extrinsic augments (to add or enhance via external support) + provides information about the quality or result of the performance
    2. Concurrent : Feedback given during the performance to help immediately to achieve the task or goal, generally intrinsic feedback from the performer