Glands are organs that release small chemicals called hormones.
These chemicals are normally released into the bloodstream, allowing them to travel around the body.
They can then bind to specificcells that have the correctreceptors.
This will bring about some change within the cells.
True or false? A hormone can only stimulate specific types of cells.
A hormone can only stimulate a cell if the cell has the correct receptor for that hormone.
Different glandsreleasedifferenthormones.
Which three of the following statements are true, regarding the the pituitary gland?
It's often referred to as the 'master gland'
The hormones it releasescontrol what other glands do
It releasesmultiplehormones
Which gland releases thyroxine?
What is the role of thyroxine?
It regulates metabolism
Thyroxine regulates your metabolicrate. Too much thyroxine will increase your metabolic rate.
If the level of thyroxine in the blood is too low, the pituitary gland will release more thyroidstimulatinghormone (TSH).
What is the role of adrenaline?
Stimulatesfight or flight response (higherheartrate etc)
Which organ is adrenaline released from?
Adrenal glands
Which organ is insulin released from?
Which of the following are classed as 'sex hormones', and stimulate puberty?
Which organ is testosterone released from?
Do the effects of the endocrine system or the nervous system last longer?
The effects of the endocrine system last longer as the hormones stay in blood for long time (often hours). In contrast, electricalimpulses from the nervoussystem only last a splitsecond.