Introduction to Metabolism

Cards (15)

  • Oxidative phosphorylation
    ATP is produced by harnessing energy from the ETC
  • Substrate level phosphorylation
    ATP is produced by harnessing energy from a substrate
  • Kinases
    Catalyses a phosphorylation reaction
  • Phosphatases
    Catalyses a dephosphorylation reaction
  • Phosphorylases
    Catalyses a phosphorolysis reaction
  • Synthases
    Catalyses condensation reactions that don't require a nucleotide triphosphate
  • Synthetases
    Catalyse condensation reactions that require a nucleotide triphosphate
  • Dehydrogenases
    Catalyse oxidation reduction reactions
  • Dehydrogenases are named according to?
    The substrate oxidised
  • NAD+ takes...
    one proton and two electrons, leaving a H+ in solution
  • FAD takes...
    two protons and two electrons
  • CoA is really big with lots of charges, meaning...
    it won't diffuse across membranes
  • Which unit on CoA is easily recognised by enzymes?
    Pantothenate unit
  • How are fatty acids stored in adipose tissue?
    As triglycerides
  • How are fatty acids broken down into acetate?