Essay May 26- June 1

Cards (29)

  • Scrutinize
    To examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of something, especially information, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
    Analyze, study, inspect, investigate.
  • Synthesize
    To combine a number of different pieces of information, ideas, or concepts to form a coherent whole.
    Integrate, combine, merge, blend, unify.
  • Evaluate
    To determine or set the value or amount of; appraise. To judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of something.
    Assess, judge, appraise, value, estimate.
  • Elaborate
    To add more detail concerning what has already been said or written; to develop or present in detail.
    Expand, develop, expound, explain, clarify.
  • Explore
    To investigate or travel through (an unfamiliar area) to learn about it.
    Investigate, delve into, probe, examine, discover.
  • Condemn
    To indicate the faults of someone or something in a disapproving way; to find fault with.
    Criticize, denounce, censure
  • Mayhem
    violent or damaging disorder; chaos.
  • Eloquent
    Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing; characterized by forceful and articulate expression.
    persuasive, fluent, well-spoken.
  • Profound
    Having deep insight or understanding; showing intellectual depth or penetrating knowledge.
    Deep, insightful, thoughtful
  • Discourse
    Written or spoken communication or debate; a formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing.
  • Symposium
     a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject 
  • Glean
    To gather information or material bit by bit or slowly and laboriously; to extract information or material from various sources.
    Harvest, gather , collect, accumulate
  • Sire
    To beget, procreate, or father offspring; to give birth to, especially in reference to animals.
  • Vapid
    Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; dull, lacking liveliness, flavour, or interest.
    Boring, uninteresting
  • Sultry
    Hot and humid; oppressively hot, often with a sense of sexuality or sensuality.
  • Propitious
    giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable.
  • Cerebral
    Intellectual; appealing to the intellect. mind-bending
  • Obstreperous
    means noisily and stubbornly defiant. It describes someone or something that is loud, disruptive, and difficult to control.
  • Docile
    Easily managed or controlled; submissive.
    Ductile, obedient
  • Boisterous
    Maingay at masigla
    Noisy, enthusiastic, and full of energy, often in a playful way.
  • Unruly
    Walang disiplina, matigas ang ulo
    Difficult to control or manage; disobedient.
  • Rowdy
    Noisy, disorderly, and disruptive, often in a rude or aggressive way.
    Magaslaw, magulo, maingay
  • Lexicon
  • Ameliorate
    To make something bad or unpleasant better; improve.
  • Deface
    To damage or spoil the surface, appearance, or legibility of something.
    ruin, vandalize
  • Esurient
    Feeling hungry; wanting food.
    famished, ravenous, peckish
  • Pledgee
    A person who has made a promise or formal agreement, especially a new member of a fraternity or sorority.
  • Coxswain
    The person who steers a boat, especially a racing boat or lifeboat.
  • Elucidate
    To make something clear or easy to understand; explain in detail.
    illuminate, demystify, elaborate