In The Hospital
Hospital Admission
Created by
Mary-Anne Alfa
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Ale váš lekár už odišiel. Išiel na operačnú sálu.
But your doctor has already left. He went to the operating room.
Neviem kam mám isť
I don't know where I have to go
O hospitalizácii, musíte hovoriť s personalom pri pulte na vrátnici.
About hospitalization, you must speak with the staff at the concierge desk.
Prišla som na hospitalizáciu.
I came for hospitalization.
Potrebujete občiansky preukaz, zdravotný preukaz, lekársku správu, a odporučanie na hospitalizáciu.
You need an ID card, a health card, a medical report, and a hospitalization referral.
Na akom oddelení máte byť hospitalizovaná
In which department do you have to be hospitalized?
Pôjdete po chodbe k výťahu. Oddelenie je na prvom poschodí.
You will go down the corridor to the elevator. The department is on the first floor.
Na prvom poschodí, tam sú ordinácie. V ordinácii, nájdete lekára a vyšetrí vás.
On the first floor, there are surgeries. In the doctor's office, you will find a doctor and he will examine you.
Po základnych vyšetreniach, pôjdete k sestričke, ktorá vám povie informacie o nemocničnej izbe.
After the basic examinations, you will go to the nurse, who will tell you information about the hospital room.
Tu je vaša posteľ. Na posteli, nájdete vankus a paplón.
Here is your bed. On the bed, you will find a duvet cover and a quilt.
Na stene je tlačidlo. Ak vám nebude dobre, privoláte pomoc.
On the wall, there is a button. If you don't feel well, you call for help.
Pri posteli je nočny stolík. Na stolíku, nájdete pohár na vodu.
By the bed, there is a bedside table. On the table, you will find a glass of water.
Myslím že bude lepšie, keď váš mobil bude uloženy v stolíku.
I think that it will be better when your mobile will be stored in the table.
Nezabudnite večera je o siedmej a raňajky sú o osmej.
Don't forget dinner is at seven and breakfast is at eight.
Po raňajkách, nasleduje vizita.
After breakfast, it's followed by visits.
Určite nezabudnem.
I will definitely not forget.
Prídem opät po piatej.
I will come again after five.
Príjem je na prízemí, pri vchode.
Reception is on the ground floor, near the entrance.
Výťah je hneď pri vchode.
The elevator is right next to the entrance.
Lekár vás vyšetrí v ordinácii.
The doctor will examine you in the doctor's office.
Počkajte v čakárni, prosím.
Wait in the waiting room, please.
Lekár nie je v ordinácii, operuje. Je na operačnej sále.
The doctor is not in the office, he is operating. He's in the operating room.
Lekar skontroluje ranu po operacii.
The doctor will check the wound after the operation.
Môžete dať všetky osobné veci, napríklad oblečenie alebo tašku, na poličku v skrini.
You can put all your personal belongings, for example clothes or a bag, on the shelf in the closet.