Average size 0.9-1.2 m long
Eats mostly fish, squid and octopus
Graceful and streamlined body shape built for fast, long distance swimming
Body divided into head, trunk, and tail
Dark gray above, almost white below
Head flattened ventro-dorsally, body compressed bilaterally
Lateral line - light-colored horizontal stripe made of tiny pores sensitive to water movement and pressure
Double dorsal fin, anterior larger than posterior, with two poisonous spines
Pointed snout (rostrum) helps overcome water resistance
Prominent eyes similar to human eyes
Large spiracle openings posterior and dorsal to eyes
Five external gill slits
Paired pectoral and pelvic fins
Heterocercal caudal fin
Mouth on underside, with several rows of sharp, pointed teeth
Nares (nostrils) on underside of rostrum
Ampullae of Lorenzini - pores sensitive to temperature, pressure, electrical fields, salinity
Males have claspers for internal fertilization
Cloacal opening receives intestinal, urinary and genital products
Muscles in W-shaped myomeres for side-to-side swimming motion