History Conclusion

Cards (18)

  • Pred operáciou nesmiete jesť.
    Before the operation, you must not eat.
  • Musíte sa objednať na vyšetrenie na kolonoskopiu.
    You must make an appointment (book an examination) for a colonoscopy.
  • Musíte sa objednať na vyšetrenie na gastroskopiu.
    You must make an appointment (book an examination) for a gastroscopy.
  • Uvidíme, aké budú výsledky
    We will see what the results will be
  • Je to v poriadku
    That's all right
  • samozrejme
    of course
  • Nesmiete jesť nič a môžete piť iba vodu.
    You must not eat anything and you can only drink water.
  • Budem v poriadku?

    I will be fine?
  • Budete sa citiť lepsie zajtra
    You will feel better tomorrow
  • Všetko je v poriadku.
    Everything is OK.
  • Nebojte sa

    do not worry
  • Budete potrebovať sanitka?

    Will you need an ambulance?
  • zatiaľ
    for now
  • Dúfam
    I hope
  • To nič nebude
    It will be nothing
  • Dúfam, že
    I hope that
  • pravdepodobne
  • Nezabudnite ma priniesť ...
    Don't forget to bring me ...