Parasite and Other Notes

Cards (9)

  • Giardia intestinalis CYST :
    = Cytoplasm; Retracted from cell wall creating a Clear Zone
    = Median Bodies / Parabasal Bodies = Believed that it is for Support and Energy
    Giardia intestinalis TROPHOZOITE :
    = Median Bodies
    = Axonemes: Suction
    = Sucking Disc: Mouth, for Nourishment 

    = MOT: ingestion of mature cyst source
    = Common in the Philippines
    = Contaminated water
    = Shed in Feces
    = Resistant to Chlorination process
  • Trichomonas vaginalis TROPHOZOITE
    = Median Axostyle
    = MOT/Life cycle: Sexual Contact
    = Optimal pH : 5-6 pH Acidic
  • Retortamonas intestinalis CYST
    = 2 Fused Fibrils
    = Bird Beak appearance in the anterior part
    Retortamonas intestinalis TROPHOZOITE
    = Cytostome (1/2 of the body)
    = Well defined fibril border (Anterior)
  • Enteromonas hominis CYST
    = Opposite nucleus
    Enteromonas hominis TROPHOZOITE
    = Jerky motility
  • Chilomastix mesnili CYST
    = Well defined cytostome located on one side of the nucleus
    = Clear Knob
    Chilomastix mesnili TROPHOZOITE
    = Prominent cytostome extending 1/3 or 1/2 of the body length (Sheperd crooks)
  • Dientamoeba fragillis TROPHOZOITE
    = Broad pseudopodia
    = Bacteria filled Cytoplasm (good bacteria)
  • Pentatrichomonas hominis TROPHOZOITE
    = Before: Trichomonas hominis
    = Conical Cystosome cleft (Anterior)
    = Undulating membrane (Full Body)
    = Axostyle Extend Beyond the Body
  • Trichomonas tenax TROPHOZOITE
    = Conical Cystosome cleft (Anterior)
    = Undulating Membrane (2/3 of Body Length)
    = Thick Axostyle
    = Small Anterior Cytostome
    = Unable to survive the digestive process
  • Balantidium coli CYST
    = Double cyst wall
    = Cilia present in the Cyst wall
    Balantidium coli TROPHOZOITE
    = Layer of Cilia around organism
    = With Vacuoles
    = Cytoplasm may contain food/bacteria (mouth)
    = Cystosome & Cytopyge present (Anus)