produce copies of DNA fragments in a sample using PCR
carry out gel electrophoresis on DNA
analyse resulting patterns of DNA fragments
uses of PCR
produce large quantities of specific fragments of DNA or RNA sample
produce billions of identical copies of DNA or RNA
each cycle, DNA doubled
done in a thermal cycler (optimum temp)
PCR needs
primers=short sequences of single stranded DNA that have complementary base sequences to the end of DNA or RNA being copied, defining the region being amplified
DNA polymerase=enzyme used to build new DNA or RNA strand, TAQ polymerase doesnt denature at high temps
free nucleotides= enables construction of new RNA or DNA strands
buffer solution= ensures optimal PH for reactions to occur
PCR stages:
denaturation- double stranded DNA heated to 95 degrees, breaks hydrogen bods between strands of DNA
annealing- temp decreases to 50-60 degrees, primers can anneal to ends of single stranded DNA
elongation- temp increases to 72 degrees, optimum temperature for DNA/TAQ polymerase to work at= complementary base pairing with free nucleotides, copy of sample created
prep for gel electrophoresis
restriction enzyme= breaks DNA up into fragments of different lengths
fluorescent tags=enables DNA fragments to be seen under UV light