Social..Me to refer to the parts of self-knowledge that are derived from social relationships.
Major source of self-understanding is ourselves.
Self-concept refers to our understanding of who we are, what we can do, how we feel about ourselves, and how others see us.
Admonition to “knowthyself” seems to imply that self-knowledge can be acquired through introspection.
People do indeed focus their attention on themselves in a deliberate attempt to enhance self-understanding.
Introspection the process of observing the operations of one's own mind.
Reflecting a widespread assumption that each person is the best expert on himself or herself.
Self-schemas represent people’s beliefs and feelings about themselves, both in general and in particular kinds of situations
Self-knowledge is stored in memory in cognitive structures known as self-schemas.
Each of us has a self-schema representing our beliefs and feelings about how conscientious (or not) we are.
A person who views himself as very high (or low) in conscientiousness is likely to include more (or fewer) instances of past conscientious behavior.
Aschematic is the people who rated themselves moderately on the independent-dependent dimension.
Schematic is the people who are in the dimension of dependence.
Social-situation shapes the nature of the self.
Attitudes and behaviors are socially appropriate from parents, siblings, teachers, peers, and other socialization agents.
Socialization agents can also shape our sense of self.
“Looking-glass-self,” by Charles.Cooley, refers to the idea that other people’s reactions to us serve as a mirror of sorts
Self-knowledge is derived in part from reflected self-appraisals, our beliefs about others’ reactions to us.
We internalize how we think others perceive us, not necessarily how they actually see us.
Situationism refers to our social self shifts dramatically from one situation to another.
WorkingSelf-concept to refer to the idea that only a subset of a person’s vast pool of self-knowledge is brought to mind in any given context—usually the subset that’s most relevant or appropriate in the current situation.
Distinctivenesshypothesis refers to highlighting what makes us unique in a given social situation
Several paths of reconciliation
The working self-concept varies across situations,
Person’s overall pool of self-knowledge remains relativelystable over time
Person’s sense of self may shiftdepending on the context, it’s likely that these shifts conform to a predictable, stable pattern.
Social-self is defined by two truths: it is malleable, shifting from one context to another, and at the same time a person’s social self has core components that persist across contexts.
Analects of the Chinese philosopher Confucius have shaped the lives of billions of people.
Declaration of Independence prioritized the rights and freedoms of the individual, and it protected those rights and liberties from infringement by others.
It’s important for people to assert their uniqueness and independence, and the focus is on internal causes of behavior.
Independent and Interdependent Self-Construals Cultures that promote an independent self-construal
Interdependent self-construals, the self is fundamentally connected to other people
Independent self-construal promotes an inward focus on the self. While, interdependent self-construal encourages an outward focus on the social situation.
Independent self-construal represents the tendency of individuals to define themselves by their unique configuration of internal attributes.
Women describe themselves, they are more likely than men to refer to social characteristics and relationships
Men tend to be more focused on personal traits and accomplishments
Socialization processes are one influential source.
Genderdifferences in the social self may have originated in human evolutionary history.
Social-Comparison is sometimes people actively seek out information about themselves through comparison with other people.
Social-Compaison-Theory is that when people have no objective standard by which to evaluate their traits or abilities, they do so largely by comparing themselves with others.
To get an accurate sense of how good you are at something, you must compare yourself with people who have roughly your level of skill.
Upward comparison occurs when people compare themselves to someone they perceive to be superior
Downward.comparison is defined by making a comparison with someone perceived to be inferior.