Marriage + Divorce

Cards (24)

  • Feminist view of decrease in marriage and increasing divorce
    • Positive; reflects the greater empowerment of women
  • What has been the trend in divorce from 1968?
    > 1968 average 40,000 divorces
    > 1978 average 120,000
  • What happened in 1969 that caused in increase in divorce?
    Divorce Reform Act
  • What did the divorce reform act mean?
    > Enabled 'no fault'
    > Meaning an individual did not need grounds to file for divorce
    > Whereas in the past, women needed to prove that their husband was
    at fault of two offences
  • New Right + Functionalist view of marriage and divorce trends
    Bad because they represent the breakdown of the nuclear family, therefore social order, and increase in social problems
  • Postmodernist view of marriage and divorce trends
    Not a problem
    It is part of the shift to a postmodern society in which people have more choice and freedom
  • Marxist view of marriage and divorce trends
    > The result of competition for power and resources between spouses
    > Unequal access to resources may lead to frustration, meaning people
    are unable to maintain their marriage
    > WC Families
  • What % of marriages are expected to end in divorce by the 20th anaversary
  • Giddens
    Modern relationships are built on intimacy, where in the past they were constructed around duty
    Confluent love
    Pure relationships
  • Confluent love
    Modern relationships that only last as long as partners fu=ind satisfaction and fulfilment
  • Marriage patterns since 1990
    • Increased divorce rates
    • Fewer first marriages, more re-marriages
    • More cohabitation
    • Later life marriages
    • More lone parent families
    • More couples without children
  • Divorce patterns since 1990
    • 65% of divorce applications come from women (today)
    • 37% came from women in 1946
  • 1857 Divorce
    Men could divorce unfaithful wives
    Wives had to ALSO prove husbands' cruelty or other offence
    It was also expensive
  • 1923 Divorce
    Grounds for divorce equalised between men and women
  • 1969 Divorce
    > Irretrievable breakdown; adultery, unreasonable behaviour etc
  • Reasons for increase in divorce
    1. Changes in law
    2. Declining stigma
    3. Secularisation
    4. Women's increased independence
  • Changes in the law - divorce reasons
    > Equalising grounds between sexes
    > Widening grounds for reasons
    > Making it cheaper
  • Declining stigma- divorce reasons
    > Divorce becomes more socially acceptable, couples are more willing
    > As divorce becomes more common, it begins to normalise
  • Secularisation- divorce reasons
    > Declining influence of religion in society; traditional opposition to
    divorce from the church carries less weight
    > Churches begin to soften their views on divorce, for fear of losing
  • Women's increased independence- divorce reasons
    > Improvements on their economic position enables them to no longer
    need a husband to support them
    > Anti-discrimination laws help to lower the pay gap
  • Women's financial independence criticism - divorce reasons
    WC Families stay together
  • Secularisation criticism
    Religion isn't becoming less influential, just in marriages. Secularisation started in the early 1900's, emergence of science
  • Changes in law criticism
    There is still stigma and family pressure. Some people still don't have financial security.
  • Declining stigma criticism 

    Some communities view divorce much more negatively.