Social media sites enable users to meet together in a virtual space and collaborate with each other on any topic, discussion or ideas. It makes a group of people work together in real time over the internet.
Web Conference
Provides live audio and video between two or more people in different locations for the purpose of meetings, presentation and trainings
Online Collaboration
Sharing of information to each other to come up with a way to achieve the group's goal
Web Conference
More like a meeting to discuss about a certain topic
Web Portal
A website that contains information from different sources and places them in one location in a uniform way
Online Collaboration Tool or Platform
Platforms through which the collaboration of people takes place virtually. A good collaboration tool should be easy to use, has features that fit the group's purpose, are focused on real-time updates and gives importance to security.
Top Web Portals
My Space
Group Demonstration
1. What is this platform?
2. How to use this?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages (give at least 2)