new right perspective on family policy

Cards (5)

  • new right view on social policy 

    social policy promotes family diversity = decline in traditional nuclear family = disintegration of society
    social policy should avoid doing anything that undermines the natural and self-reliant traditional nuclear family
  • new right view on social policy- almond
    contemporary social policy undermines nuclear family
    easier divorce, civil partnerships, expansion of rights for unmarried/cohabiting couples make marriage and alternative similar = people no longer marrying to obtain certain rights
  • new right view on social policy - murray
    welfare state encourages deviant and dysfunctional family types that harm society.
    benefits offer perverse incentives rewarding antisocial or irresponsible behaviour..
    fathers will allow state to support children and abandon parental responsibilities
    young girls encouraged to become teen mums meaning boys grow up w/o male role model = increase in crime
  • evaluation of new right view of social policy

    justifies patriarchal nuclear family
    cutting welfare state would drive poor families into greater poverty, making them even less self-reliant
  • policies supported by new right
    cuts in welfare benefits and tighter restrictions on who is eligible for benefits to prevent perverse incentives
    policy supporting traditional nuclear families
    child support agency- make absent dads pay for their children