> 2 Main functions of the family; primary socialisation and stabilisation
of adult personalities
Murdock - Functionalist
The nuclear family has 4 functions;
> socialisation
> reproduction
> economic support
> sexual satisfaction
Engles - Marxist
Origins of the family
> Capitalism creates the nuclear family and the desire to pass on
private property through a male line
> Unit of consumption
> Women reserve army of labour and reproduce the work force
Zaretsky - Marxist
Cushions the harsh reality of working life
Murray - New Right
Attacks lone parent families who receive benefits, the underclass, claim they raise delinquent, undereducated children
Blames absent fathers, lack of a role model, leads boys to underachieve and commit crime
Greer - Radical feminist
Advocate of political lesbianism, exploitation of women, need a baby strike
Somerville - Liberal Feminist
Women's lives have improved as laws have created more opportunities.
Benston - Marxist feminist
Reserve army of labour – women work for free in the home
Ansley - Marxist feminist
women are the ‘takers of shit’ – they absorb men’s anger and frustration in the form of domestic violence
Dobash + Dobash - Feminists
1-4 Women experience domestic violence
> Unstructured interviews, most people do not admit to violence and
therefore statistics are invalid
Oakley - Feminist
Dual burden
> Women work at home and in public, men do not contribute
> Criticise Willmott and Young’s symmetrical family
> Ethnographic, unstructured interviews
Willmott + Young - Functionalists
March of progress theory
> Exaggerated results of questionnaire on men’s contribution to
> Families are now symmetrical
More recent evidence suggests men do work their fair share, more dangerous professions and more full time jobs.
More hands on with children
Duncombe + Marsden - Feminists
Triple Shift – Many studies have ignored the emotional work involved in family relationships – e.g. coping with bullying, heartbreak, sickness etc.
Smart - Personal life theory
Donor conceived children , fictive kin, pets, God, dead relatives - rejects postmodernism and structural theory
Stacy - Postmodernist
Divorce extended family – Silicon valley, diversity is the norm
Beck - Postmodernist
Negotiated family, risk society, individualisation thesis, zombie family
Confluent love, pure relationship, serial monogamy, diversity is the norm
Faulcoult - Postmodern
Surveillance of families, informal and formal control – Women ‘police’ /judge each other on social media
Echoes the work of Foucault;
> Surveillance is unfairly distributed – working class are attacked and
watched more closely than middle class
Men made the most important decisions when in the family such as where to live, cars to buy etc.
Whereas women tended to make the everyday decisions e.g. what to eat, What to do at the weekend
Pooling and allowance system of family income
This affected power in relationships, mainly biased towards men.
Lesbian families tend to be more equal in terms of power and domestic labour
Childhood is a relatively new concept and historically socially specific. Children have become economically worthless at the me time as being emotionally priceless
Childhood no longer exists
> The boundaries between children and adults is very weak, children are
exposed to many adult themes through TV
Childhood has not disappeared, Postman has exaggerated the situation.
Children in the Western world are their own economic force and drive much of the market.
Childhood has just become more complicated.
Childhood has become a more protected time than ever
The media has created fear amongst parents that they take extra precautions to keep them safe e.g. not letting them out on their own to play.
Childhood has become 'toxic'
Rapid technological and cultural changes over the past 25 years have damaged children, physically, emotionally and intellectually.
Harper - Demography
Education of women is the most important reason for decline in birth and fertility rate
Smoking biggest reason for decline in death rate
Hunt - Postmodern
Age is no longer important we choose our own identities regardless
Less stigma attached to divorce had meant that is has decreased
Fletcher - Functionalist
Higher expectations of marriage has lead to increase in divorce
> NHS is a social policy that has indirectly helped families
Weeks - Chosen families
Increased acceptance of gay families – friendship/kinship are ultimately linked
Bean pole family;
> Extended family still exists, vertically, due to smaller families and
longer life expectancy
Benson - New Right
Married couples provide more stable relationships than cohabiting couples and are therefore better and more desirable for society
Family diversity is now the norm and CLOGS is the way in which family diversity occurs
(class, life course, organisational, generational, sexual)
Neo conventional family
> Diversity has been exaggerated
> Most families live or desire to live in nuclear family arrangements, the
only major change is the roles within it, now most couples both work
and are dual earners.
Gender regimes
> Familistic and individualistic
> Different types of social policy that reflects attitudes of the country e.g.
assumption that women will stay at home and look after children