last meal before- light meal with some carbohydrates
after- consume high protein meal with carbohydrates and fats and drink plenty of water
Radio: There are only two dedicated sports radio stations in the UK: Radio 5 Live and talk sport. The BBC dominated sport on the radio with BBC Radio 5 Live and its local radio stations. It broadcasts all major sport staged in the UK or involves British Competitors but rights restrictions may mean that some events cannot be covered live.
Terrestrial TV
The main selection of TV channels available digitally in all households across the country
Carbohydrates-found in potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and cereals. Choose whole-grain foods and organic rather than 'white' versions. This helps athletes get energy before an event or replace energy afterwards. Carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. This translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.
Protein- found in meats, fish, eggs, nuts and lentils. Choose lean for a lower percentage of fat. This helps muscles get grow and repair. For protein, teens 14 to 18 years needabout 0.85 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight. This is around 52 grams ofprotein each day (dependent on body weight)
Fruits and Vegetables-A range of vitamins and minerals are found in many fruits and vegetables that contribute to healthier hair, skin, teeth, bones and vision as well as healthier organs and digestion. You should eat 5 portions a day.
Dairy- milk, cheese, yoghurt and fromagefrais, also contain protein, vitamins and calcium. Calcium helps to develop stronger bones and teeth. This is good for athletes whotake part in contact sport.
OAA equipment- helmet, buoyancy jacket, canoe and paddle, safety harness, fingerless grip gloves, stand up paddle board, kayak, compass.
Positive Effects of the media : Exposure of minority sports e.g. ski-jumping; pool; darts; boxing; basketball; skiing; snow boarding. They also show women playing sport like cricket, football and rugby. Greater range of sport covered in the media e.g. growing popularity of darts after sky coverage.
Negative Effects of the media : If we all watched all sport on the television and never went to live matches then it would be a problem for sport as there would be no atmosphere in the stadiums and clubs would lose a lot of their revenue. Clubs might put up the ticket prices if the team was doing well and people having watched the team on the TV want to go and see them live.