
Cards (19)

  • Worship: any word, thought or action that shows love and praise for God or the Divine
  • Prayer: communicating with God or the Divine
  • Gentile: not a Jew
  • Sadducees: Jewish leaders who controlled the temple in Jerusalem
  • Pharisees: Jewish leaders who controlled the synagogue
  • Preach: To give advice and instruction on religious topics to a gathering of people
  • Apostle: Someone who is sent out on a mission
  • Rabbi: A Jewish teacher of the Torah
  • Disciple: A student or follower of a teacher or leader
  • Satan: Another name for the devil, who tempts people to sin and turn away from God
  • Parable: A story with a message or lesson
  • Beatitude: Another word for a blessing
  • Compassion: Be aware of the suffering of others and showing care and concern for them
  • Justice: The fair treatment of every person
  • Charity: Doing generous acts or making donations to help people
  • Zakat: One of the Five Pillars of Islam. It requires Muslims to give 2.5 percent of their savings to the poor
  • Vocation: A calling to serve God or to fulfil your special purpose in life
  • Pope: The leader of the Catholic Church
  • Atheist: Someone who believes that there are no gods and who has no religious beliefs