Unpredictablevariation between measurements that leads to a spread of values about the truevalue
How can we reduce random error?
By takingrepeatmeasurements
Does random error affect accuracy or precision?
Define 'systematic error'
Causes allreadings to differ from the truevalue by a fixedamount
How can we reduce systematic error?
A different technique or apparatus should be used
Does systematic error affect accuracy or precision?
Define 'accuracy'
A measure of how close a measurement is to the true value
Define 'precision'
A measure of how close a measurement is to the meanvalue. It only gives an indication of the magnitude of randomerrors, not how close data is to the truevalue.
Define 'resolution'
The smallestchange in a quantity that causes a visiblechange in the reading that a measuringinstrumentrecords
Define 'repeatable'
The sameexperiment can repeat a measurement using the samemethod and equipment and obtain the samevalue
Define 'reproducible'
An experiment can be repeated by a differentexperimenter using a differentmethod and differentapparatus, and stillobtain the sameresults
Define 'uncertainty'
The interval that a value is said to liewithin, with a givenlevel of confidence