Types of wastes that are expected to be generated in the laboratory
Responsibilities of the laboratory personnel
Management authorization (signatures)
Accumulation of wastes for disposal
Identification and inspection of waste storage areas
Waste classification and segregation
Decontamination materials (storage of unused and spent decontamination materials)
Publicly-owned treatment works (POTW) disposal
Permits and reporting requirements
Waste neutralization requirements
Waste storage
Satellite requirements
Storage accumulation and date requirements
Primary containment
Waste shipment
Federal and state regulations
Waste container packaging and labeling
Arranging for shipment and preparation of shipment papers
Packaging requirements
Disposal options
Landfill (land-ban restrictions, acceptable wastes, packing requirements)
Incineration (acceptable wastes, packing requirements)
Health and safety for storage and transportation areas
Training requirements
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Exposure monitoring
Plan implementation
Information accessibility by staff
Laboratory accountability
Record-keeping requirements
Requirement for review and updates (e.g., at least annually)