Cards (8)

  • 2010 onwards coalition policy examples
    equal marriage act
    shared parental leave
  • 2010 onwards coalition govt aims
    inconsistent due to conflict between MP campaigns
    • traditionalists - prefer NR view
    • modernists - accept diversity
  • marriage act 2013
    allows same-sex couples to enter a marriage in england and wales on the same basis as opposite sex couples, and to convert civil partnerships to marriages
  • marriage and civil partnership minimum age act 2022
    minimum age of marriage in england and wales raised to 18 from 16
    illegal to force children to marry and could incur jail sentence of up to 7years
  • 2023 - paternity and maternity leave

    new mothers in uk entitled to 52 weeks statutory maternity leave, 39 weeks are paid but at different rates
    first 6 weeks = 90% of salary
    remaining 33 = £172 per week or 90% of salary - whichever is lowest
    fathers only entitled to up to 2 weeks of paid leave, paid at same rate as mother's 33 weeks
  • 2015 - parental leave

    parents can apply for up to 50 weeks of shared parental leave, up to 37 which are paid
    women must swap maternity leave for shared leave
    women is entitled to 2 weeks leave after birth, after which it is shared
  • 2013 - child benefits

    became means tested
    those earning more than £50,000 a year have part of benefit withdrawn, if earning over £60,000 they receive nothing
  • 2023 - child benefits
    everyone with children receives child benefits in differing amounts
    £24 / week for first child
    £16 / week for subsequent children
    awarded for children up to age 16 and up to 20 if staying in further / higher education
    those earning more than £50,000 pay additional taxes - child tax credit charge
    those earning more than £60,000 pay so much it cancels out the child benefit