Cards (415)

  • Computer Security
    The need to secure the physical location of computer technology, later includes computer systems
  • Enigma
    Cryptographic device, German code machine in 1930s
  • ARPLANET project developed by Dr. Larry Roberts, evolved to Internet
  • The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) examines Digital Encryption Standard (DES) in Federal Register

  • RAND Report R-609 - first widely recognized publish document to identify the role of management and policy issues in computer security
  • MULTICS (Multiplexed Information and Computing Services)

    First operating system to integrate security into its core functions, developed in the mid-1960s by General Electric, Bell Labs, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • UNIX
    Developed by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Rudd Canaday & Doug McIlroy, text processing - password function
  • Microprocessors brought Personal Computers and a new age of computers

  • Decentralization of data processing systems gave rise to networking - the interconnection of PCs and mainframe computers
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) & Internet Protocol (IP) developed, became the primary protocols for ARPLANET, 'til this day. Domain Name System (DNS) was developed

  • The World - first dial-up Internet service provider (ISP) operated by Standard Tool & Die, allows home users to access the internet
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
  • Computer Security Act
  • 1990s - Internet, first global network of networks. Brought LAN
  • White hats
    Law enforcement and security professionals
  • Black hats

    Hacker, computer criminals
  • Security
    Secure, free from danger
  • C.I.A triad
    Standard for computer security, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
  • Communication Security
    Protection of all communication technology & content
  • Information Security
    Protection of CIA of information assets
  • Network Security
    Protection of data networking components
  • Access
    Object's ability to use, manipulate, or affect another object
  • Asset
    Resource that is being protected
  • Attack
    Act that can damage or compromise information and the systems that support it
  • Control, safeguard, or countermeasure
    Procedures to counter attacks, reduce risk, and improve security
  • Exploit
    Compromise a system
  • Exposure
    State of being exposed = vulnerability
  • Loss
    Information asset suffering damage or destruction
  • Protection profile or security posture
    Set of controls and safeguards
  • Risk
    Probability of an unwanted occurrence such as an adverse event
  • Subject and objects of attack
    Entity used to conduct the attack/object of an attack
  • Threat
    Potential to adversely affect operations and assets
  • Threat agent
    Component of a threat
  • Threat event
    Event caused by a threat agent
  • Threat source
    Objects, people, entities that represent the origin of danger to an asset
  • Vulnerability
    Potential weakness in an asset
  • Accuracy
    How data is free of errors
  • Authenticity
    How data is genuine or original
  • Availability
    How data is accessible
  • Confidentiality
    How data is protected from exposure