1. Ended 4 years of political & economic crisis
2. Restored the value of the currency & ended hyperinflation by introducing the new currency (Rentenmark) at the end of 1923
3. Resolved the Ruhr Crisis by ending "passive resistance" & resuming the payment of reparations, which led to the French & Belgian withdrawal from the Ruhr in 1924
4. The Dawes Plan in 1924 rescheduled Germany's reparations payments & provided US loans to help pay them & revive the German economy
5. The Young Plan in 1929 reduced Germany's reparations payments & provided US loans to help pay them & revive the German economy. It also secured the departure of enemy troops from the Rhineland by 1930
6. The Locarno Treaties in 1925 improved Germany's relations with the western powers & enabled her to join the League of Nations in 1926; this boosted trade with the West & encouraged US investment in Germany
7. Appeased nationalist opinion by refusing to accept Germany's border with Poland & using League of Nations membership to speak up for the German speaking minorities in Poland & Czechoslovakia