
Cards (7)

  • overall trends in childbearing
    47% of all children born outside of marriage
    women having children later = 28 vs 24 in 1971
    average number of children per women fell to 1.6 in 2001 from 2.95 in 1964
    predicted that 1/4 of women born in 1973 will be childless at age 45
    2024 = mean age of childbearing is 31
  • reasons for changes in childbearing
    women have different roles in society
    cost of having a family
    more acceptable to not have children
    less stigma
    medical advancements
  • womens changing roles and changes in childbearing
    women now prioritise educational success, jobs and careers to children and family
    link to sharpe's study
  • cost of family and changes in childbearing
    HIRSCH - child would cost a couple £154,000 by age 18 (2014)
    2024 = estimated at £220,000 for a couple
    families weigh up costs of having a child versus opportunities that will be lost
  • more acceptable to be childless and changes in childbearing
    beck-gernsheim = result of growing individualisation meaning people want more personal space and choice
  • less stigma and changes in childbearing
    less stigma surrounding having children outside of marriage
    28% of 25-34 year olds think marriage should come before parenthood
  • medical advancements and changes in childbearing
    more available and better quality contraception
    fertility treatments e.g IVF and technology for freezing eggs = possible to have babies later