CriticalReading is when you read something and you evaluate claims, seek definitions, judge information, demand proof, and question assumption
Explicitinformation is information that are stated in the text. Readers can see the piece of information stated in the given passage
Give example of explicit information:
• Jeniferisatalentedpianist
Implicitinformation is the information not directly presented in the text.
This claim is what the writer tries to prove in the text by providing details, explanations, and other types of evidence.
Claims of Fact - are pieces of information which are grounded on reliable authority such as Science or History.
3 Types of claim:
• Claimoffact
• Claim of policy
• Claim of value
ClaimofPolicy - are specific statements on procedures or laws that need to be modified based on certain issues of conditions.
Claim of Value - are pieces of information that are focused on relative judgement such as goodness or badness, and these are usually based on
Intertextuality - we try to make meaning of the material that we are absorbing through many different processes.
Example: The existence of scenes or ideas of one story to another story or movie. (Harry Potter and Greek mythology)
Hypertextuality - allows readers to study a text in a different manner.
ArticleReview – summarizes and assess another person’s article.
BookReview – describes and evaluates a work of fiction or nonfiction
and offers the book’s overall purpose,
structure, and style of narration. It tells
not only what a book is about.
LiteratureReview – examines what has already been written about a topic. As a collection of published research
about your topic by recognized scholars
and researchers.
PositionPaper – highlights an opinion of an author or specified entity
about an issue.
Literaturereview - it is a way for you to examine also what has already been
done regarding your research question
or problem.
To provide an evaluation and critique of a specific book.
-To critically evaluate an article. - To help clarify questions, explain
current state of knowledge.
Literature review
To provide a comprehensive overview of existing literature on a specific topic.
To advocate for a particular position or viewpoint on an issue.
3 Types of Block Letter
Full Blockstyle - the most formal and commonly used format in business and official correspondence. In this layout,
every element of the letter is aligned to the left margin.
What types of block letter that aligned to the left margin?
What types of block letter that signature on the right side of the margin? Modified block style
Semi block style - also known as the “indented style”, combines elements of the full block and modified block styles with a
traditional twist.
Heading - the sender's mailing address.
Date - the date when the letter was written.
Inside address - receiver's name, job title and address.
Salutation - usually begins with "dear" and uses colon (:) at the end.
Body - consists of the opening, middle, and closing paragraphs.
Complimentaryclose - a polite way of ending your letter; ends with a comma (,)
Signature - the complete name and signature of the sender.
College Admission Letter - is also known as the “letter of intent”. It is a brief discussion of your intention to be admitted in a specific program in college.
EmploymentApplication - Letter is widely known as a “cover letter”. It is used to introduce yourself to a prospective employer. You write this to demonstrate your interest in the
company, sell your services and qualifications in written form, and show that you are fit for
a job position. It is usually submitted with a resume.
Office correspondenceorbusinesscorrespondence - is a written interchange of internal and external communication to assist the flow of business.
Businessletter - is the traditional way of communicating information from one company to another or used in external correspondence.
Various types of business letters are: - sales letter - order letter